Cann't we all get along ....?

25 October 2001
Northern California
Folks, perhaps because it is summer, or there is something in the air, water ....... but the recent tone of the posts are worrying me .........

I have read quite a few posts recently where people seem to be too quick to snipe and diss an idea or a post that they do not agree with. It is one thing to "discuss" or even "debate" an issue by exchanging perspectives and it is something else to undercut the character, motives or products of other vendors ..........

No need to highlight captions from the recent posts, I think we can all smell them .......

I agree as well, I have always respected the people of the NSX forums for being so kind, mature, and NOT ARROGANT. Let's not see this forum resemble ANYTHING like the SUPRA forums.

When I owned my Supra and joined the forums, met other people there, I immediately wanted to sell the Supra, for the personna that goes with THAT car. (Loved 650HP though, but sure as hell wasn't an NSX!)

Justin in AZ

[This message has been edited by snyper2727 (edited 12 June 2002).]
I think the Internet Anonymity in general is often responsible for the kind of comments often seen in online forums.

It's all too easy to make derogatory comments about a product or a person when you don't have to be identified and sign your name to a post.

Of course, not all people who are anonymous make these statements and there's many valid reasons for anonymity but I think anonymity doesn't help the problem.

I think we all desire a forum where we can openly discuss our cars, products, etc. But I really hope we can move beyond that speculation, innuendo and mean spirited comments that have no place on any forum.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords
I second Hrant's comments.

While this comes from the screen name of a vendor, it comes from the brain of an individual enthusiast.

Based on my experience with other automobile circles, the NSX community takes advantage of considerable support from vendors, enthusiast, and other organizations, even more so than other communities with a larger base of individuals. However, on the other hand, I'd say these same vendors, enthusiasts, and organizations take a equally large amount of bashing and berating. Try your best to support who supports you.

-- Chris


[email protected]

[This message has been edited by ScienceofSpeed (edited 12 June 2002).]
The stress and tension of the American people in general has done nothing but steadily rise over the past few years, and it WILL get worse. Many people who snap or make offensive comments do so relating to issues other than what is at hand. It's almost like chewing your friend out for accidentally spilling water on you when the real reason is you were sprayed down by your parents instead of given a bath and you’re still pissed about it (couldn't resist that analogy

Just keep an open mind, and know that the main reason most people make offensive comments is because a) they don't think anyone listens to them, or b) they're angry about something else completely unrelated.

If we're going to make it through the next decade without being at each others throats (I'm talking about people in the US/world in general) we must open our minds and realize that offense is self-generated, and rarely purposely imposed.

Here's to trying to make the future a better place, both inside and outside of the NSX forums.

David Allen
'00 Silverstone NSX-T
Comptech SC, Headers, Intake, Exhaust & a little Mark Basch tweakage
I think some people need to drive their car a little more instead of talking about it all the time.

G Dummy~

Faster than stock.
:D :D :D
Originally posted by maomaonsx:
I think some people need to drive their car a little more instead of talking about it all the time.

LOL! True true

-- Chris


[email protected]
I am going to repeat this request as we have a few relatively newbies, a few others who want to criticize vendors just because ....., and yet some others who do not appear to even own an NSX, who are really spoiling this forum for the rest of us by continuosly bashing and challenging posts with no end ........ they really need to get a life, or even better, go drive their/any NSX before pontificating .......!

As others have noted before, perhaps having real names rather than handles may deter a few, if nothing else we will then know who they are should we ever encounter them in person ............

Whoever is/are the moderator on the General Discussion board, can you please put an end to this the same way the new policy was applied to the Marketplace (and I applaud the decision to do so) ....... frankly, I would recommend a step further with a first warning and then barring posts for 3 months; if it happens again, kick the person permanently. Many have left the NSXCA lists in favor of the NSXPrime because for a while the administrators were either too quick to draw or too slow to intervene when isnults were being splashed and things got out of hand ......... Let's not have these forums get to the same fate where we abstain visiting them because of over tolerance ........ free speech ought to stop in a private community forum when it starts affecting others in the community ......... delete key or not, we are all here in part because of the decorum of the forums.

Now you know why some vendors refuse to respond or engage in any comments addressed towards them because they have figured out that some have nothing else to do but to harp as a pass time .......... and that my friends is our loss as NSX ethusiasts.
I appreciate Hrant raising this topic in a post. I am one of the "newbies" referred to. I have been following the NSX Prime forum for a few months now, and have used much of the advice -- and the kindness of NSX owners in the area -- in purchasing my NSX a week ago. In general, I find it the forum a very useful tool for research, discussion and general updates on this amazing vehicle.

Yet I too have been noticing that in recent weeks, there have been repeated incidents of slamming, derogatory remarks and individuals who are quick to criticize. The administrators are trying to cope, but they can at best react to the problem, when the I think the real issue is why so many remarks are being made in the first place. To be honest, I'm getting a little turned off by the hostility and negative tone in some of the messages.

Everbody is entitled to their opinion, and while we may not necessarily always agree with what our colleagues say, there is a manner and means by which to state our counter-view politely and with dignity.

Please keep this forum neat, polite and filled with respect, so that myself and other "newbies" can continue to enjoy the forum as it was intended.

I look forward to learning from many of you.

Although I've been an owner for 6 yrs I was a lurker of mega proportion,partly due to my lack of computer and internet savy.I too was turned off early by a few opinionated folks who liked to spice it up with some condescension and venom,,Lud knows what I'm talking about.Anyway I've learned to read past that,and not getting cranked up with others opinions and statements has been a revelation.The real problem arises because some of us use this public forum like personal E-mail and get there jolies knowing we are all privy to it.Some folks probably are obsessed and log on every 30m or so hoping someone responds to some irrelevent personal issue.Luckily we have a good core group of gearheads and enthusiasts,and experts,venders ect. to help.I know MB; and had fun and a great dinner with him during his Pa.installs.It is my medical opinion that he is qualified to do anything he wants to to an nsx engine and sell it,its our choice to buy it or anything else.I for one am glad he is still posting.If we had 100% attendance at nsxpos there would be a lot less inuendo and crap-talk levelled at the techs and vendors who support our community.Anyway the point of my rant is to remind us that silly talk deserves silence not the dignity of any response,then you can sit back and let a few yougsters play with each other untill mom calls them in for supper.MB, I hope you follow my advise.I'll see ya'll in Texas.
cant we create a new web forum for the disparaging harsh few...

maybe call it NSX non-PRIME

i dont mind people critiqueing products and service but recently i havent seen much support for the opinions given....

anyway, im gonna go drive my bonestock 91 black/black nsx now.
Originally posted by Andrie Hartanto:
...but being sarcastic is hard to to tell in a forum.

Could we maybe get a smilie (other than the wink) to denote sarcasm? I realize that may take some of the point out of the comments, but at least people who don't understand the issue being discussed won't get the impression that everyone is arguing.

Originally posted by huckster:
cant we create a new web forum for the disparaging harsh few...

maybe call it NSX non-PRIME

How about NSX past-their Prime (as in rotten)

'91 Black/Black
thats LOL funny!!

i was going to say NSX 'slime'PRIME but was afraid that would qualify me for electonic banishment as well.

can you imagine all the father rapin', mother stabbin', mark basch bashin' that would go on in such an electronic prison?!!?

oh lord, help us all..
I feel responsible partially for the debate on one particular post.I can "slip" at times into arrogence when I feel personally attacked or if someone I care about is attacked.If I have upset ANYONE I apologize and have made an effort to (tone it down)and get straight to the point.
I do appreciate the maturity that is always present on this forum from most of it's members.
I found myself in NEED to defend the innocent and have and find that impossible to hold back (if you knew the entire story and all that was "not" posted you might see I was actually censoring as much as I could and still defending Mark B.)
If an apology is nessesary .
I'm Sorry.

[This message has been edited by MYNSX (edited 16 June 2002).]