Canadians richer than us!!!!!!

Take that with a grain of salt. Majority of the "wealth" is in home value. We didn't experience the major drop in house values as the US (yet). Plus, our economy is still largely commodity-based, and since they are at relatively high values, our dollar as appreciated to about par with the US dollar.

However, many Canadians also have high debt levels because of high house prices, so they would be quite vulnerable if and when interest rates go up. Also, we are taxed higher here, and our banks are more tightly regulated, so I would say that it is slightly more difficult to get really rich in Canada.

So if you are planning on moving here, think again.
Is this the point in which we invade Canada? I figure since around 90% of the entire population is near the border they were up to no good anyway. We can call it a pre-emptive strike. :biggrin:
Our government is looking to speed up the foreign work visa process for skilled, licensed Americans to work here and help fill our shortage of workers issue.

Soon we could have our own illegal alien problem here. :wink: (kidding)
is this the point in which we invade canada? I figure since around 90% of the entire population is near the border they were up to no good anyway. We can call it a pre-emptive strike. :biggrin:


However, many Canadians also have high debt levels because of high house prices, so they would be quite vulnerable if and when interest rates go up. Also, we are taxed higher here, and our banks are more tightly regulated, so I would say that it is slightly more difficult to get really rich in Canada.
This statement is so True, and the article did touch on this.
Yes we escape the Housing melt down, but on average Canadian do have Huge personnel dedt, if interest rate start to rise it going to be a differant story.


  • Low population Density
    High levels of natural resources with aggressive extraction policies
    One of the highest %'s of college educated persons of any country
    Strict immigration laws

Not long ago in the 90's Canada was in as bad of shape as Italy and Spain are now but managed to turn it around. In addition, as partially mentioned here, they do not have the same type of fixed rate loans as we do so they are benefiting massively from the low interest rate environment manufactured by the fed and deflationary forces in general.
You can thank the Chinese people for that.

Prior to 1997 (transfer of Hong Kong from England to China), they allowed massive immigration from Hong Kong, and those people had to meet the financial requirement to get there. Smart move! Too bad our law makers didn't figure that one out.
You can thank the Chinese people for that.

Prior to 1997 (transfer of Hong Kong from England to China), they allowed massive immigration from Hong Kong, and those people had to meet the financial requirement to get there. Smart move! Too bad our law makers didn't figure that one out.

Very true! :biggrin:
Don Cherry almost makes me want to move to the US :)

Seriously though, the grass is always greener on the other side. I got my doctorate in Chicago, my brother's family all have dual citizenship and live right across the border in Buffalo and some of my closest friends are Americans. You guys have it pretty good down there and most I know personally are the salt of the earth.

  • Low population Density
    High levels of natural resources with aggressive extraction policies
    One of the highest %'s of college educated persons of any country
    Strict immigration laws

Not long ago in the 90's Canada was in as bad of shape as Italy and Spain are now but managed to turn it around. In addition, as partially mentioned here, they do not have the same type of fixed rate loans as we do so they are benefiting massively from the low interest rate environment manufactured by the fed and deflationary forces in general.

Not to mention all the high tech industries in Toranto, the San Jose of Canada. The natural resources alone can pay for all of their social programs. While Canadians are socially liberal, they are very clever and is not afraid of tap into their natural resources.

My buddy in Seattle just married a girl from Canada, she is a nurse in Vancouver BC. Everything time they have a baby, she gets a year off fully paid. They now have two kids. She told me her coworker is on her sixth kids and she have been off since 2005. They have the money to pay for that kind of program without bankrupting the country, good for them.

It always fascinates me when I visit Vancouver BC and see the prices of the Cuban cigars, I sell them under the table here in the US and my selling price is lower than their whole sale price. For example, I sell a Montecristo #2 for $22 bucks, that same cigar is $36CD, and they I always see people smoking in the cigar lounges.
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Is this the point in which we invade Canada? I figure since around 90% of the entire population is near the border they were up to no good anyway. We can call it a pre-emptive strike. :biggrin:
And since we don't have any guns, nobody would put up any resistance :biggrin:
But be careful what you wish for. We have advanced forms of socialism up here along with legalized gay marriage .. both of which seem to be hated in the US. The inability to carry guns might not go well with a bunch of people either. However, neither approach seems to have affected gun violent as the recent shootings in Toronto and Colorado have shown. We have our share of crazy people up here too.
And since we don't have any guns, nobody would put up any resistance :biggrin:
But be careful what you wish for. We have advanced forms of socialism up here along with legalized gay marriage .. both of which seem to be hated in the US. The inability to carry guns might not go well with a bunch of people either. However, neither approach seems to have affected gun violent as the recent shootings in Toronto and Colorado have shown. We have our share of crazy people up here too.

See that's the beauty of it. In a "pre-emptive procurement" we'd simply force assimilation, the first being to speak English :biggrin: As for the shootings in Toronto, can't ya'll just blame the upstate New Yorkers for that? I bet it was probably someone from that area who made it across the border or something.
And since we don't have any guns, nobody would put up any resistance :biggrin:

"We surrender!" Do you live in the French speaking part of Canada? :biggrin:

2nd. Canadians lost a lot of men and fought in some very hard battles in the world wars. Newfoundland lost a generation of men in one day of battle in WWI.