Canadian F1 Grand Prix

I was thinking two days (spending one night over), but it seems as if I may have some schedule conflict with my work. :(

I will keep you posted as we are nearer to the day.
I would love to do it, but my wife is due in June. Cant do it this year. Maybe next year. :frown:
F1 race is a GREAT experience!!! i went to the USGP last year and it was super... although Indy was a let down, the race/pracitice/events and all were very very great.

me and my friends plan to head to the montreal gp. i've been to montreal and its a GREAT city. great night life, great everything. very friendly. i want to make plans to go so i can walk "pit lane" again. but its so hard finding accomdations without hitting $250+ a night.
I am considering either Montreal or Indy. AZNDNG, what do you mean when you say that Indy was a let down? The race, track, town? TIGER, are you heading up to Montreal?
foxy-abby said:
I am considering either Montreal or Indy. AZNDNG, what do you mean when you say that Indy was a let down? The race, track, town? TIGER, are you heading up to Montreal?

the city was a big let down. i guess because i was thinking something along the lines of philadelphia, which is where i'm from.. or a NYC which i frequent much.. but its just big "midwestern" town. nothing special. the people there were extremely rude and not very welcoming. i met two people there that agreed whole heartedly with me. one was from Italy and she hated the city... not much to offer in dining, entertainment, culture, sightseeing etc... and another i met was from san fran and he was victim to racism, because he had an accent, which to me was near perfect english. i was also a victim of prejudice/racism because they took one look at me (i'm vietnamese) and assumed i didn't know english and was stupid or something.

but once you get on the race track.... its a whole other world since there are so many foreigners and everyone is there for one reason.. F1!!!! but once you leave the track... to me, it was a total let down.

if you want to experience a good time both in the city and the race, i would suggest MOntreal. i visited montreal during thanksgiving and it was a great time. the city is on par with new york city. very cultured and diverse. great night life... and i read that montreal really goes all out for F1 weekend. hope i helped you decide on where to head this year!
What ticket to get?

Hey guys, I had some questions about tickets in the other thread. I would very much appreciate any advice you may have. I hope to meet some of you in Montréal next month. Thanks!
ojas, i don't have experience at the canadian gp, but i do have some experience at the USGP. i'll give you an out look on my experience. i think it really depends on a few things.

1. how many people are you going with.
2. what you wanna see (overtaking, brake action, straight aways, etc)
3. level of comfort. (i assume the stands are like the USGP=aluminum benches)

reason's why

1. if you go with a lot of people, i think it would be fun to buy a GENERAL admission, because you can roam around the entire track, (event is about 2 hours), so you can explore different turns, and different parts of the track.. the DOWNSIDE in my opinion, you might be far off the track so unless you have a good camera the pictures MIGHT be blurry cause these cars are FASTTTTT.... and you have to arrive early to get a good "seat" where the general admission designates fans.

2. last year, i bought a seat for the USGP, and this was at a "S" portion and i was able to see the cars very well, since they are in 2nd/3rd gear. if you do purchase a seat, i would say, try to avoid STRAIGHT aways.. cause these cars FLY by, and you won't be able to even take ONE good picture. that's why most of the typical overtaking spots at the MONTreal GP are sold out.

3. i don't know if MOntreal GP has the seats that some euro GP's offer, (one's with back support and some padded...) but for Indy, they had aluminum benches and they were pretty uncomfortable since you can't lean back... but if you bought a GENERAL admission, i think (i'm not 100% sure) you can bring a small folding chair... or you can just lay a blanket down and lie down on the hills. (if you arrive early.. first come, best seats)

i plan on going with a few of my friends, and we plan on buying general admissions. hopefully, its like Indy, cause Indy had a lot of good places to view the race for general admission.

azndng, Thank you for the great advice. I was also thinking general admission would be quite enjoyable for the same reason you mention. There may be 4 people in my group and exploring is something I would definitely like to do, even if we had seats in the stands.
Can’t wait!

So guys, who is going? It would be nice to meet my fellow NSX friends while I’m up there. If you want to hang out during the race or any other time during the weekend, would you mind letting me know? Thanks!
Re: Can’t wait!

i'll be last minute, i'm still debating to go or not... my friends are having $$ problems, and if i were to go with them we'd drive.. but if they're not going, i'd fly. so i won't know till a week before the race. but if you do make it. it'll be honda's 2nd race back from the ban... sucha shame for honda's legacy.