Can you guys please help

7 August 2002
About a month ago I began hearing this 'tick-like' sound coming from the engine. My 1st thought was exhaust leak. I took my car to the dealer but they could not find anything. 'Tick-like' noise is still there. So, I decided to take it back to the dealer and get the 15k done even though I only have 11k miles on it. Thought a valve adjustment is what it needed. Unfort. this still did not fix the tick-like noise :(
Car runs fine - no power loss but the stupid noise is there all the time :(
do you guys have any suggestions on what this might be or could be ?

It very well may be the natural sound of the engine. The NSX engine has somewhat of a sewing machine sound coming from it. In fact, I would describe the sound as a "ticking" noise as well.

Perhaps you could provide a bit more information about the sound as there are some very smart folks on this board when it comes to diagnosing problems like this.
Does the "tick-like noise" happen all of the time, at start-up, or at shut-off. Is the sound coming from the engine or from behind the cockpit.

My NSX comes accross with a ticking noise that is only audible after I turn the engine off. I have determined that this noise is from the cat.
I thought this also was the case (probably normal engine sounds / noise) however, this noise wasn't there a few months ago. Also, this the 3rd NSX I have owned and the other two never made this particular noise. It's kind-of hard to describe but -almost like if you take-off in 1st gear and almost 'Bog' the car or are not giving enough gas but this noise is happening in every gear. Last night I attempted a couple of test - 6th gear rolling about 35-40, give it about 3/4 throttle, the tick-sound is very evident. Also tried this test in 5th and 4th with the same. I really have no idea what it is but I REALLY don't think it is normal. The only example I have provide is: I used to own a '93 MR2-T and on top of the engine was this little steel tube / bar. It had a crack in it and made the EXACT same tick-like noise. This was an exhaust leak............that is why I am thinking somewhere there must be an exhaust leak or something......... :(
just cannot figure it out
Yea - the noise is happening all the time. Although it is really noticable at cold start-up.
Yea!! I agree there - the noise does fade when the car is warmed up. I am just at a loss because after two trips to the dealer....they say everything is fine. But I think they just cannot find it.........that is JMO
Remember the valve train in the NSX engine is a mechanical vs. hydraulic system. It is typically "tappy" when not at full temp.

Also we had this same discussion a while ago and I recall someone mentioning that the 3.2 engine fuel injectors are also on the noisy side.

I will say this, my 1991 is also "trappy" when cold and the valves are correctly adjusted.

Do you think your previous NSX's were much quieter once warm? The other thing you can do is take a small rubber hose a few feet long, put one side to your ear and move around the engine bay to see if you can localize the sound.


My two previous NSX's were about the same however, I can def. say even at cold start-ups they never made this kind-of noise. My friend Andy (has '03 Blue) really noticed the sound as I was pulling away from his house. We attempted to compare the engine sound with his 03 to my 02. His DEF. does not make this weird tick noise. I will try your idea with the rubber hose :) thanks Larry!
Can you tell if it sounds like one valve? In other words is the tap slower then the engine speed by 1/6?

Although it is really hard to tel via forum, if it is slower then actual engine speed it would indicate one valve or cylinder. Besides an exhaust leak, a weak LMA (lost motion assembly) could make this tapping kind of sound.

Again this is purely speculative, see if the noise appears to be coming from under a valve cover first:).

aaaaaaah!! good thinking! will try that when I get home. Thanks again Larry!!!! :)