Can someone run a carfax for me? ..thanks

dont want to troll but, you have 2 nsx, 1 ridgeline with 22"s for "bling" but your 2 cheap to pay $29.95 for a service that your going to USE?

character, go get some.

"carfax can run a carfax for you" :rolleyes: - me
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dont want to troll but, you have 2 nsx, 1 ridgeline with 22"s for "bling" but your 2 cheap to pay $29.95 for a service that your going to USE?

character, go get some.

"carfax can run a carfax for you" :rolleyes: - me

I have seen this request time and time again as I'm sure all of you have , so I didn't think it was a problem. I was trying to help out friends who recently wrecked their car and are looking to purchase another. You're right, 30 bucks to me is not a big deal, to them it is.

Thanks for the financial analysis. I apologize if I have offended anyone or taken up precious time in reading my post, consider the matter closed.

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Didn't want to come off wrong in the above post. Some of us here on prime don't mind. Others do.

Personally I offered my services with carfax to someone from the forums. Later that day my carfax was banned and now I am banned from carfax.... What was insult to injury is after the fact that i got banned, I still had to pay another 30$ to carfax under my business name so i can finish up looking for the car i wanted. lol funny hun?

Now I'm banned for life from carfax. Every time I buy a carfax report in my name, I can only run 1 carfax before they catch on to my name and ban my account for previous "offence" of wanting to help out few fellow member who was too CHEAP to pay the 30$ which cost me a lifetime of hassles. :mad::mad::mad:

If you friends choose to purchase a car, it would be a good investment for them to purchase the 30 dollar carfax to see if their investment is a good choice or not. It is narrow focused to spend thousands on a vehicle and skimp on the 30$ which could save them thousands in repairs and lost value of the vehicle. Also on principle, why do they expect to get a service they did not pay for?

Personally I never asked and I should not have offered to help out. STUPID me for being the nice guy. :frown::biggrin:

if they cant afford the carfax, they should not get the car or better, get a cheaper car since the one they have picked out is definitely above their means.

good luck and cheers!

btw if someone asks, my answer is "Carfax can run a carfax for you."
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