can someone check a car for me? JH4NA1186TT000230

6 November 2006
if someone has a current carfax can they please do a search for me with the following vin? thanks in advance for any assistance. the carfax i was shown had 8 listed entries on this 1996 car but the header on the category said it had 22 entries, hence something maybe missing?

thank you!
Re: can someone check a car for me?

i did a search with the search button and came back with the 5th owner heres the link


hope this helps.

it was a prime member at one point in its life.

its seems like they keep selling to their friends, and then they would sell it to another friend and so on.
if it says 22 entries then a page may be missing and not current.
this NSX has changed more hands than a raffle ticket at the circus. lol
nice looking car though looks like most of all the maint haa been completed.

dont worry about haw many owners it has had as long as it was taken care of it doesnt matter.
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thanks very much Shawn! the owner was contacted and it was just a sheet that failed to scan thru and he didn't notice it, it looks like a clean carfax so i'm assured of that. thanks for the links to the pics, they are nicer than some of the one's i had.