Can I upload video to Prime?

28 January 2002
Saskatchewan, Canada
I know that there is a way to upload pictures to Prime but is there a way to host video as well or do I have to go the YouTube route? I've noticed other people post with videos but lots of times, the links don't work after a while. I'm not sure if that's the case with YouTube as well. I haven't invested the time to figure out how to do the YouTube thing yet and was just wondering if Prime had an easy way.
Tks .. Ian
You can upload smaller videos (I think the limit is 10 megs) to the Photo Gallery system. If you have larger videos I would suggest Youtube or similar. As long as you maintain your youtube account the videos should stay active.
Tks ...useful to know for the next time .. but I already posted mine on YouTube.

The process wasn't as bad as I thought although I spent a lot of time converting my video from some Sony MP4 format to the DIVX that they recommend on YouTube. I don't know it that was really necessary or not but the conversion cut the file sizes down a lot. I used the free convertor called SUPER. Then you have to open a YouTube account; upload the file; fill in all the tag info; and wait for it to be processed.