Can I have a For Sale thread deleted completely so I can start over...please?

8 November 2005
Jeannette, PA
This is not a new issue, but I'm asking again to see if I can have an entire thread deleted so I can start over on a for sale thread for my car. The exisiting one was poorly conceived in the first place and has been a patchwork quilt of sorts ever since. It now makes absolutely no sense and is off-putting to any potential buyers. Granted most of it is my fault, but to keep it alive (recently without posting my updates) is not helping matters. I've since received advice from other members and now have a better idea on how to not sound like a complete schmuck or confuse the details concerning the sale.

I understand you're very busy, and that's probably why the thread hasn't been updated the last few times. And I appreciate all that you do and all this site provides, so I mean no disrespect.

Thank you, no matter what your decision may be.

Happy motoring.
This is not a new issue, but I'm asking again to see if I can have an entire thread deleted so I can start over on a for sale thread for my car. The exisiting one was poorly conceived in the first place and has been a patchwork quilt of sorts ever since. It now makes absolutely no sense and is off-putting to any potential buyers. Granted most of it is my fault, but to keep it alive (recently without posting my updates) is not helping matters. I've since received advice from other members and now have a better idea on how to not sound like a complete schmuck or confuse the details concerning the sale.

I understand you're very busy, and that's probably why the thread hasn't been updated the last few times. And I appreciate all that you do and all this site provides, so I mean no disrespect.

Thank you, no matter what your decision may be.

Happy motoring.

Hope the marketplace gods grant you your wishes. I think they have empathy. :smile:

If not, I'll buy your car. I'd love a black NA2 w/ popups. Sweet!
Hope the marketplace gods grant you your wishes. I think they have empathy. :smile:

If not, I'll buy your car. I'd love a black NA2 w/ popups. Sweet!

Make me an offer. It would save the hassle of making another thread if I'm eventually allowed :smile: .
Just checking in about this issue...
I don't see a reason to delete the old one but I will ask the moderators to grant you an exception and let you create a new one.
Creating a new one will cause even more confusion if the old one still exists. I was baffled by the fact that a closed thread would even be reopened in the first place, but had to go along with it. Now I would just like to start over. I don't understand why that's not possible.
I asked the moderators to let you create a new one. I still fail to see a reason to delete the old one - I do not believe it will cause more confusion.
If the new thread I create isn't tacked on, or incorporated into, the old one then I agree; it won't cause confusion. But if that happens again (like it did the last time), I believe it will.

If I can just have it locked and post a new thread then, that's really all I'm asking for.

Thanks again for the consideration.

Car's gone :frown: . I had created a new thread and submitted it last week, so you can take it out of the waiting to be approved pile.

You can lock this one, too, if you so desire. Thank you.