16 September 2003
Columbus, Ohio
My climate control dash unit was cracked around the screws so i purchased a new one for my 92 US spec one thru ebay(both display and contol box). It's showing degrees C. Is this changeable to F? THANKS!
My climate control dash unit was cracked around the screws so i purchased a new one for my 92 US spec one thru ebay(both display and contol box). It's showing degrees C. Is this changeable to F? THANKS!
I believe there is a toggle switch on the back of the unit for C/F. I think there's also a temp adjustment switch back there too.
Someone previously requested the reverse (F to C) here:

It's possible, though the amount of detents on the temperature adjustment dial for the different models is different, so it won't be an exact fix.

Just curious though, are you sure you bought the right part number? Ebay is not the greatest place to buy NSX parts in my experience. There is just so much nuance between versions / regions that people who aren't experts end up misrepresenting their parts for sale. It's probably not intentional, they just don't know any better. Put a link to the ad if it's still up or post pictures of the parts if you'd like.
Yes i purchased #79650-SL0-023(display)& 79610-SLO-A02(control) together, so the control box is good but the F display i needed is #79650-SL0-A03. For we US guys ebay has been a great source for parts assuming one checks the numbers hehe, except now almost totally dried up. Since my old units were good to start with, i'll put my self imposed "plastic repair" skills to work and fix my old cracked display surround, put up the C unit display for sale and get the proper unit for back up. I see the OE jumper on my old unit. In my case i could have switched out all the parts from my old unit (including the knob "pots"), but decided against it. Thanks Ether/Duncan and Drew for the great references. Display housing plastic repair post to follow.