Can e46 M3 seats fit in an NSX?


Registered Member
27 April 2003
So Cal
Hi guys, thread is just what the subject says. Can we fit M3 seats in our car with some aftermarket rails?

Any info would be appreciated.

Slightly off topic...
I'm not sure if they would fit. But why would you want to put them in the NSX? I can't remember, as I have driven a e46 M3 before, anything that stands out about the seats? I don't recall them looking awesome?
Also, if they are anything like the e36 Vadar seats, forget it! Those things weight a ton! Even thou they are manuel and have NO motors, they weight more then the NSX seats that do have motors.

I figured this was general discussion so I posted here. Next time I'll use more discretion. Anyway, I happen to love the way the new M3s seats look. They have amazing lumbar support, and are just all around comfortable. Imo very luxurious looking too, so just wondering if they will work or not. :p

Ravi, LOL. Surely you don't want to do that! :D

I don't have any measurements, but I've been in an E46 several times. I'm pretty sure those seats were a good bit wider that those on the NSX. They were certainly higher off the floor. I doubt they would even come close to fitting.

NSX seats don't need all that fancy junk because Honda knows how to design seats.

You haven't lived with the NSX seats yet. They are amazingly comfortable, for everything from around-town commuting, to long-distance cruising, to racetrack corner carving!

A better question would be, whether the NSX seats fit in an M3...
I have both cars, would not want the M3 seats in the NSX. They are wider and taller, so I doubt they would fit anyway. They are much "cushier" for lack of a better word. If you are going to change (and I'm sure E46 M seats are $$$$$$$$$) go sparco or something really cool!
nsxtasy said:

A better question would be, whether the NSX seats fit in an M3...

They do fit in an M3, but it will cost them :D :D
Just curious, but does anyone know how much the NSX stock seats weight?

I ask this because weight savings would seem to be the only reason to replace them in my opinion. The NSX seats are the most comfortable sports-car seats I have ever sat in. They are just about perfect. They have the racing bucket shape (the bottom & backrest are one connected piece instead of 2 seperate pieces), but they also allow you to adjust the angle of the backrest -- something that is not possible with racing buckets. As far as lumbar support, the stock seats have that extra cushion that sticks out in the lower back area -- it's as if there is a lumbar support and it is always turned on.

I can't imagine why anyone would want different seats, unless you are trying for weight savings. I would imagine the stock seats are quite heavy, but I'm not sure.
Wow, you guys are quick. Also, didn't notice you dont have a NSX yet. And yes, the NSX seats are very very very comfortable IMHO. I drove 7 hours, one stop, in them!! :D
Ojas said:
40.4 lbs. each

This is actually relatively light, as stock seats go. You may be able to save weight by swapping with a lightweight racing bucket, but I doubt that any other stock seat would save any signficant amount of weight.

And as far as "luxurious looking", why do you think the NSX seats are used in all those ads for leather conditioners, like this and this? :D
LOL guys

I guess I came to my senses. NSX=best interior eva!

ahah, thanks everyone.


The NSX seats are reasonably comfortable and do a nice job in the support arena. But they are not as comfortable as the BMW sport seats. I sat in those and was amazed. They set the standard. Believe me, I understand why you are considering using them. The lumbar support is second to none. And for someone with a back injury that is extremely important. I had to add a McKenzie super roll in my lumbar area to beef it up to provide adequate support. Also, the hip area seems to be a bit narrow for me as they are always sore after a lengthy drive. But then again the car wasn't designed with bodybuilders in mind either.