Can anyone identify this music?!?

2 October 2001
This music accompanied a short video clip but the video had no credits on who wrote the music! :mad: I've heard it used in a TopGear review, and i've had no luck identifying who wrote it or what it's called.

That's why I'm turning to the NSX Prime experts. If anyone knows what this song is, I'll give you a reputation point. :rolleyes: :D It sounds like a movie soundtrack/trailer or an modernized remix of an opera composition. Any clues would be much appreciated.

<B><A HREF="">Cool Unknown Music</A> .MP3, 300KBytes</B>
That IS from a movie trailer and I have heard it before, but can't place the movie. It is driving me crazy now. :biggrin:

I definately remember that music during a trailer and I could of sworn that it was for T2 or T3, but I couldn't find the trailer for T2 and it isn't T3. The end part is what I remember hearing the most.

At first I thought it was from one of the Matrix, but you would be the last one not to recognize that one I guess. :smile:
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If I don't think that song is cool, do I get a negative reputation point? 'Cause I think it's cool. I was just asking. :biggrin:
That is from a few different movie trailers, one being 'Romeo Must Die' and 'The Patriot.'

I used to have that on my computer before my old HDD got wiped out, but it's a 4-5 min length song. I'll try to find out again who the artist was.

EDIT: I did have the MP3 after all. Craig Armstrong - Escape 5:32 in length :smile:
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Thanks guys. The problem with movie trailers is they often use music that isn't used in the final film. A good example are trailers using the sub-level3 music from ALIENS and also "Oh Fortuna". :rolleyes: Trailers also have dialogue which totally kills the idea of leeching the music from it.

Dont you just hate music that gets in your head like this, and you cant find out who wrote it!?!??! :D
I know what you mean. Lot's of trailers still use the theme song from Conan the Barbarian. That movie is pretty old. You'd think that they could come up with new music. The funny part is that the song never even appears in the actual movie! They are only using it for the trailer. The Conan sound track is pretty good though. I have it on CD and listen to it quite a bit.