Can anyone identify the maker of this replica NSX-R spoiler

17 July 2015
I bought the car with the wing already installed. I want to get a better quality one since this one seems to have issues.

1. The right side leg is higher than the left so I have a big gap on the right side.
2. The carbon fiber weave is not straight in certain areas.
3. There is a seam at the edge of the spoiler so you can see a line where one sheet ends and the other begins.

I just want to make sure I don't get another one that is going to be the same finish. I know a lot of you have a replica wing so which one is the best fit and finish? Don't want another piece of shit like this one.IMG_1664.JPG
Ten bucks says it's a seibon. I have the same issue with mine. If I could do it again, I'd buy a pride wing
PM me.... and I'll take that POS off your hands...fix it and use it on my car. :biggrin:

Gotta get a replacement first before I sell this one off.....I'll keep in you mind when it happens

If it's straight (not bowed) then it's probably a Seibon. The OEM one and Downforce (and Pride i think ?) have a visible bow, and are high quality.

So safe to stock with either Downforce or Pride?
If it's straight (not bowed) then it's probably a Seibon. The OEM one and Downforce (and Pride i think ?) have a visible bow, and are high quality.

I believe the Pride one is the same as the VIS one.... Just a hunch:smile:
So which one is best and where can I get it cheapest??? LOL!
Looks like Seibon.
So which one is best and where can I get it cheapest??? LOL!

No offense but if your wanting the cheapest then it's on your car. If you want Downforce quality, then bite your lip and fork over the money. I've owned Seibon many years back. Bit my lip, bought DF and been happy since.
No offense but if your wanting the cheapest then it's on your car. If you want Downforce quality, then bite your lip and fork over the money. I've owned Seibon many years back. Bit my lip, bought DF and been happy since.

What I meant by "the cheapest" was where could I find the best quality spoiler for the lowest price? I know the better quality ones are more expensive, and I'm not cheap about spending the money, but I want to at least find the cheapest place to buy it from.
Downforce has used a good quality of resin and last longer . You would not see that bubble in DF quality. I would not buy VIS, Seibon or other names besides DF . They also tint your tail little darker if wanted. Others would not do that.
You won't be disappointed with DF. Once in a while one would pop up on the for Salle forum but they goes pretty quickly. Get DF and be happy. I had seibon in the past also, terrible choice. Of course, it was alkdi "cheaper".
I must have got lucky... I have a VIS and it's pretty much flawless and half the cost of DF. Picked up last one in stock straight from VIS in So Cal last year.. I'll try and post some close up pics for you.

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