Camera Mount w/ the V1 Dali platform

2 July 2003
Virginia Beach
I don't know how many of you run this piece:

but after adding the comptech harness bar I really wanted to run a camera. I was about to spend the money on a nice mount n stuff but I started thinking that perhaps I could make a just as effective cheaper version. :tongue:

Once I mounted a video camera on the platform without any support... and well.. omg. it was like I was driving around the course with pogo sticks as shocks.

So here's what I came up with:




I had to put that brace there b/c of the vertical movement. I would've put the other end of the ubolt through the mount but even w/ a 90 degree drill I couldn't get anything in there small enough to drill. Although I like this way better because if I move the open end up, I can adjust the camera angle down more if I want.

It's rather rock solid. I really like it. So now when I'm done with the track I can just slap the V1 back on and off I go! :biggrin:

Just thought I'd share.

I think its great you made your own but I would not have supported the camera to a 1/4 -20 bolt alone like that. I would have opted to just mount it right on the plate flat and secure it with the bolt thru the bottom IMHO. Im sure you will make adjustments and improvements when you have time since I know your handy like that ...... thanks again for all your help at nsxpo I owe you big time.