Calculate Your Life Expectancy

2 October 2001
Calculate your life expectancy using this Excel spreadsheet.

<FONT SIZE="+1">
<A HREF="">AMP Life Expectancy Calculator</A></FONT>
81?! Are you a female? As soon as you click on that option it's an automatic 5 year advantage on us guys! lol

Oh well, just means I am not goofing up by spending my retirement savings on NSX related goodies.
88 years old for me......sort of expected.

that's why i put a good chunk of $$ into my 401K

by the time i get it when i'm 59 1/2 years old, $1,000,000 will not be enough

88-60 = 28 more years to live on $1,000,000

that's only a little more than $33k a year...not enough if i decide to track my nsx at that time...:D
This expectancy test is missing three important questions:

{A} Do you drive you NSX at over 80mph frequently? (less 10yrs life expectancy)

{B} Do you use how to use the 'Search' function? (If not, this test is of little value to you now. :D)

{C} Are you married? (less 20yrs life expectancy) :D

Have a nice day, gentlemen!
I don't think this test goes lightly on people who lead sedentary lifesyles who eat bad food. Perhaps I should get a pet?

Guys, I am a little scared of this test. What if this turns out to be a self fulfilling prophecy? :(
Pretty interesting. Making over $60k is bad for you.

Probably true. Most ppl work too hard...
One thing that's spooky about that test is you can't live over 100yrs!!! Kinda limiting i think. ;)

The test was supposedly created by AMP, which is a large insurance company here in Australia. Kinda spooky that they determine your life-expectancy with a spreadsheet. :(
91 !

Wow, I don't want to live that long.

* Side note: Would have been nice if this wasn't an Excel spreadsheet.
Holy crap.........30............;)

Actually, every day I survive is a miracle. Live every day like it's your last, because one day, it will be............

Happy motoring,

Enzo said:

No wonder why you only made it to 57 - you're an "Enzo"! If you were a "Honda", on the other hand... LOL
SennaPerfected said:
No wonder why you only made it to 57 - you're an "Enzo"! If you were a "Honda", on the other hand... LOL

ROFL... good one.

<B>Akira3D</B> : You are... just get someone to press your 'reset' button, then you can start life again. :)
Finally did the test along with my girl friend...


Mine's 60 (oh well) and my gf's 78 (WTF!!!!!!????)

What I realized:

My gf is born with illnesses, which is a fact, the only reason why she'll live longer is that I'm born to make myself ill, which is also a fact.

She better not cheat on me in those remaining 18 years. :mad: