CalCoastalNSX Meeting @ Dromo1(Go karts)-Join in on the MiniPrix!!!

19 February 2001
Southern California
CalCoastalNSX Meeting @ Dromo1(Go karts)-Join in on the Endurance Racing!!!

In co-operation with the NOC and Southwest list, the CalCoastalNSX group is having a combined meeting and karting event at Dromo1! We are going to have exclusive use of Dromo One
for approximately 1 1/2- 2hrs. Cost per person is going to be 75bucks per person (based on 16 people) and pizza is 7bucks more per person(bring the wifes/GF's to chear you on!). Check out the corparate events page on the site for exact info.

The date for this event has been changed to SAT, OCT 25th and will double you track time, see the 10/2 post below

Place: Dromo One
1431 North Main Street
Orange, CA 92867

tel. 714-744-4779


I need at least 20 gutsy, not to rich, not to poor, guys or gals willing to commit to the 75per person price. Dromo1 asks 50% deposit in the amount of 650 smackaroo's! So, the line forms here. If interested, please contact me and I can get your info and deposit on it's way to securing this once in a lifetime experience(it could be).
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Hey Mister:
As I have mentioned on the phone, I am all for it and got your back on this fantanstic opportunity :D Please put me on the list as number 4 ....any day is fine by me. However, I like the sooner date.

Guys, this is a great opportunity to release our stress and increase years of smiling ear to ear....and see if you are good enough to beat me :p Mike, Chad, Marc, Rodney, Joel, Phil, Tai, Steve......and you SD people....Randy hold Arron's hand and bring everyone over :D I know I am missing alot of people on my call list above, but please accept the invitation, register early and come join the fun!!!!!!!

BTW, my computer crashed.....I would appreciated an NOC contact list to my email from someone. Thanks!!

In co-operation with the NOC and Southwest list, the CalCoastalNSX group is having a combined meeting and karting event at [[/COLOR]
I would love to go... perfect timing after NSXPO... but unfortunately it's on a weekday and I don't know if I can make it. But I will TRY!!! I've always wanted to race at Dromo.

Unfortunately, Dromo1 charges a huge premium for weekend nights, so Thursday is the best option, plus you get to start your weekend 1 day early!

The list grows!!!
I can make it on the 30th but need to know if its a go pretty soon so i can book other things around that day.

What's the format? Will it be a team enduro or a free-for all??

I vote for an organized team enduro. Maybe the first 1/2 hr as practice, then a 1-hr enduro???
i'm in i'm in!!!!!
either day works for me.
just let me know when and where to send the deposit.
I want to be on NSXTC's team. :)
Haha, thanks, you are making me blush! :D

Looks like we are inching ever closer to one day having the first-annual CalCoastal open track day event at Willow Springs! LOL!!

This will be lots of fun. A good way to drive 'til ya drop!! John is talking to Dromo this afternoon and we will either wind up doing the enduro or the individual qual / races leading up to a real championship race at the end with a staggered F1 style start!! :)

Note to self- better get out and pre-run the track the week before to get some "Cheating Bastard" practice in!!! :cool:
Valerie and I will be able to make either day, but, since the Marks are favoring the 30th, we'll favor it too. :D
This will be a great outing, I can only go on the 23rd. I'll be on a cruise ship on the 30th. so if it is on 23rd i'll see you guys otherwise have a great time on the 30th. I'll think of guys while I'm soaking some rays by the pool side.
new to the area, favor the 23rd.

Err, where do I send my money and what's the format? If it's 16 people we should just do an enduro.... :-) Victory via attrition from heat stroke is perfectly acceptable to me!

The date by popular demand is Oct 25th.
Ok, the list so far. In no particular order.......

1. Supergreen125 - Mike
2. Yellowpad - Calvin
3. NSX-Ster - Mark S.
4. NSXTC - Marc W.
5. Pulp Story Teller - Doug
7. Akira3D - Eric
8. Powered by Honda - Conrad
9. Wayne
10. ANYTIME - John

Wow, we're already 62.5% there!!! (as of Sept. 30)
More details to follow in the morning(when Dromo returns my call about teams). Teams = I don't want Doug to whoop everyone!!!(he may do just that)
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1. Supergreen125 - Mike
2. Yellowpad - Calvin
3. NSX-Ster - Mark S.
4. NSXTC - Marc W.
5. Pulp Story Teller - Doug
7. Akira3D - Eric
8. Powered by Honda - Conrad
9. Wayne
10. GoX - Paul
11. GoX - Heidi
12. Mark Allen and a few guests
13. ANYTIME - John
And more peps!!!
1. Supergreen125 - Mike
2. Yellowpad - Calvin
3. NSX-Ster - Mark S.
4. NSXTC - Marc W.
5. Pulp Story Teller - Doug
7. Akira3D - Eric
8. Powered by Honda - Conrad
9. Wayne
10. GoX - Paul
11. GoX - Heidi
12. Mark Allen and a few guests
13. Nimbus
14. Wheel - Mike
15. Scott M.
16. ANYTIME - John

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Not sure I can make it yet, what is the cut-off for sign-ups?
Change to Saturday, October 25th?????

Well, after some negotiating with one of the managers at Dromo1 I was able to have them open up their doors to us on Saturday, October 25th. @ 10am (normal hours start @ 1pm) I was also able to double our time from 1 1/2 hour session to a full 3 hours!!!!! All for the same price of only 75bucks per person!!! The original proposal will still work, but only for 16 people. The magic number for a Thursday night get together is 16, no more, no less. If we can gather 20(or more) people for a Saturday event, then it is only 75 per person, with no restriction on the amount of people. Unlike the Thursday cap of 16. Sound good? If not, the Thursday plan can stay intact(with the 16 max). I figured the Sat. proposal would work for most and it is going to be a endurance format(outlined below), as there is no traffic to deal with or the late getting home for some of us who live far away. The manager also has connections with restaurants in the area and would make arrangements for lunch afterwards if we so desire. Please respond ASAP, as I need to make a CC deposit to secure the date.

This is the proposal from Dromo1 below:


This is to outline the details of your proposed Event:

Date: Saturday, October 25, 2003

Arrival & Registration: 10:00am - On Time!

Event Begins: 10:30am

Event Format: Endurance Race (See Details Below)
6 Teams of equal number of drivers
Awards Ceremony

Event Ends: 12:30pm - 1pm No Exceptions!

The cost for the above Event is $75.00 per person (minimum billing 20 people). A 50% deposit will secure this booking. The balance will be due upon arrival. We accept company check, cash payment, MasterCard, Visa, or American Express.

Your group must arrive on time to participate in all scheduled races. Please inform all participants of your Events schedule. Event schedules cannot be revised on the day of your Event. Contact us (7) days prior to Event if you require additional race time.

Your Event is private and includes trophies and non-alcoholic drinks. A driver List and trophy wording (up to 30 characters on one line) is required (7) days prior to Event.

We can provide you with keepsake items. Dromo One t-shirts and fitted caps are available for $10.00 each and gift certificates for $25.00 each.

Endurance Racing at Dromo 1.


Team Racing with up to 25 minutes of racing per driver. Perfect for Team Building, this Event begins with strategy and finishes with an Awards Ceremony, including trophies on the podium for the top three teams.

In endurance racing the Team with the most laps at the end of the race wins. The key to endurance racing is staying out of trouble. The more time spent stuck on a barrier or in the penalty box, the less total laps you will have at the end. Endurance races are not won in the first turn of the first lap.

At the beginning of the race each Team’s first driver will be staged on the starting grid. Once this is accomplished then the lights will switch from red to green and the clock starts. From then on you are free to race.

Bumping out on the track is not allowed. Bumping another kart may cause damage to your kart slowing it down or stopping it completely. This is not the way to win the race. The race is long and if you are truly faster than the other driver, you will find a way around. Finally, there will be drivers of varying skill levels on the track at the same time. Be aware of this and choose your passes accordingly. The responsibility for the clean pass rests with the passing driver.

Driver changes and their scheduling are the sole responsibility on the Team Leader and the Team. We will not prompt you to change drivers during the event. If you are running according to some set schedule (eg. Each driver drives 10 minutes) you can run off your own watch or the race clock that is visible in the upper right hand corner of the timing displays.

Put a fully suited driver (drivers suit with zippers closed and Velcro fastened, headsock, helmet with chin strap fastened and gloves) in line at the PIT ENTRANCE.

When driver makes it to the front of the line they will tell the PIT MARSHALL their Team color.

Pit Marshall will then signal Tower Control to bring in that Team’s driver currently on the track.

MARSHALL #2 will then wave BLUE FLAG W/ORANGE STRIPE at that Team’s kart currently on the track. (During the remainder of that lap the EXCHANGE DRIVER will be getting into another kart and will wait at the PIT EXIT.) Once the incoming driver enters the pits and makes a COMPLETE STOP, the exchange driver will be signaled onto the track.

DO NOT “PIT” ON YOUR OWN WITHOUT BEING FLAGGED! If you do, your kart and driver will be pushed aside until the current Team is finished with their driver change. Also, this will hurt your Team’s time if they are not ready for the change.

If you become tired while driving out on the track you can signal the Marshals on the track by tapping the top of your head. Once we see this signal, we will get a replacement driver ready as soon as possible. If you pit on your own you will lose possibly many more laps than a regular pit stop.
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