CA VLF increase possibly today

27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
Just another example of why Gray Davis should be recalled.:mad:
This reall sucks! Especially for those that have multiple cars. I have 5 cars + 5 M/C. $$$$OUCH$$$$ :mad: :mad: :mad:
Hopefully the Davis recall will happen. I signed the petition to get California's worst governor in history out of office. I hope you all did.
How would you like to go out with that scarlet letter attached to you for the rest of your life. "Worst Governor in History".

I'm not a fan of Davis, nor am I a detractor, but I don't feel comfortable with a recall of an elected governor. Geez, isn't that what an election is for? If you don't like the guy, then don't vote for him when the time comes. I just feel that recalling the governor sets such a precedent that there will be long term ramifications.

So how much do you guys there pay now, and what would it go up to?

(I pay $91/year, but that's because I have vanity plates; otherwise it would be $78/year.)

For current plates NSX-$375 Legend-$210 El Camino-$88 VW-$45 without biannual smog test fee of about $50. But the weather is great!!!:eek:
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Just curious - is the smog test fee something you pay for government testers? Or is that something you must do with a private mechanic?

Here, the smog test is run by the state (Illinois EPA) and it's free. It's only required in the Chicago and St. Louis metro areas, not statewide.
Only state approved inspection stations, testing machines are online to the big gray (pun intended), I think cost is $45 plus the cost of the "certificate" for the state +/-$15. You never seem to see that "cert".... Testing every 2 years and at transfer. Exempt before 1974 (never seems to move up). And to answer your other question the fees are claimed to triple as of 7-1-03 renewals.
Man, Californians have hard right now with that governor.

Do not forget that Arnold could be your next governor though. Will that not be fun?

Can you imagine Arnold storming in to a congressional session and saying, "Lower taxes or I'll be back!"

Seriously though, California has 30 million people living in it. Said people make more money than the national average and yet the California government can't pay its bills?

Surely you cannot place all the heat on the governor can you? Is he that bad?

Remember this is the guy who lead us thought the "energy crisis". Another fiasco. Maybe we do need Arnold, quite honestly Ronny came in as a joke for govenor and went out a hero and on to the White House.
It's worth pointing out that state (and local) governments are having financial crises all across the country. Economic recession (which is pretty much everywhere) reduces incomes and therefore tax revenues, while increasing the demand for government services. To blame one person when the same situation exists everywhere is myopic, to say the least.
As nsxtasy points out things are tough all over. But California is in SERIOUS trouble. Business and the middle/upper middle class have been heading east and north for years. I left (LA) 6 years ago with my small biz. Go back a couple of times a year to visit the few friends who have not left yet, and every time it's worse. Yeah the weather is nice but...

If this VLF goes through Davis will without a doubt be a goner.
The bastard!

Well, Davis signed it.

Looks like I'll be paying way more than $1000 a year for my NSX come next March (I'm still afraid to look and see EXACTLY how much my fees went up).
Keep in mind that a recall will not change the VLF increase at this point in time. There are efforts by other CA politicians to repeal the increase. Also another thing to ponder is: Is the Lt. Govenor any better??? Californian's need to consider this before a recall of Davis is carried out. I am not backing Davis, I am just putting in a word caution. Putting the Lt. Govenor in place may be just as bad or worse for California. Think and make wise and cautious decisions!!
Not the Lt. Gov.

I don't think you understand a recall -- the Lt. Gov. doesn't take over; if the recall is successful a special election would be held, the winner of which would take over for Davis. Potential candidates are already lining up to take a shot, everyone from Arnold Schwarzeneggar to Dianne Feinstein.

But yes, a recall in and of itself would not stop the VLF increase, but at least it can prevent the Idiot Davis from doing any further damage.
I think Feinstein has announced she will not run (unless the recall is successful!!), but your correct. Anyone, or Anytime could better lead California.