C&C track day?

Anyone going this Sunday to C&C track day?


Hi Lance,

The license is not current on the ITR, and Butch and I are taking our wives on a road trip through Zion this Sunday (taking the S2K through the twisties). :biggrin: Have fun and let me know how things went. I know it will be fun! Hopefully I can make the next one. :smile:

Hi Lance,
I was planning on taking the Cayman out for its 2nd visit to Spring Mountain but still nursing a hurt foot. Hope to see you next weekend!

Butch and Tom,
Have a blast guys!
Hi Lance,
I was planning on taking the Cayman out for its 2nd visit to Spring Mountain but still nursing a hurt foot. Hope to see you next weekend!

Butch and Tom,
Have a blast guys!

I would like to get a ride in the Cayman before you get the itch to sell it! :biggrin:
Hi Lance,

The license is not current on the ITR, and Butch and I are taking our wives on a road trip through Zion this Sunday (taking the S2K through the twisties). :biggrin: Have fun and let me know how things went. I know it will be fun! Hopefully I can make the next one. :smile:


Watch out for the UT and AZ highway police as they know the good places to hide! Have a fun drive.

Watch out for the UT and AZ highway police as they know the good places to hide! Have a fun drive.



We had to cancel; the weather prediction for this weekend in Zion is rain/snow. :frown: I'm thinking about attending the Festival of Speed at LVMS this weekend. If I had a way to get the ITR to Spring Mountain this Sunday, I would run it this event. I'll give Dennis at LDL a call to see if he will loan me his trailer this Sunday; Maybe I'll rent a trailer and pickup and haul it out there. :biggrin: I'll make some inquiries about that tomorrow.

C&C put on a good track day even with the cold and AM rain. With only 30 cars they just had two run groups.


I knew it would be cold (which I like for track-days), but how long did it rain? Solomon is a good host; I'll bet the food was good too! :biggrin:

I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip to Europe, we need to get together and talk.

It only rained the first 1/2 hr. Two people I talked know you but I don't recall their names. One had nice things to say about your race car. He has a s2000.


That would probably be Kam, Karim, or Tyler commenting about the car. :smile: One-half hour is not bad at all, I thought it was longer. I'm sorry you won't be able to have lunch and chat with us this weekend.

Tom or anyone, Do you know what are the best plugs to put in the NSX?


I suppose everyone has their opinions, but the motor in your NSX is stock. Therefore I recommend Acura/Honda OEM all the way. Someone (other than the dealer or a reputable shop) might recommend plugs that are not in the proper heat range, and there goes your motor.
