C&C 5/15 and NY2NV2Manila

2 February 2003
Las Vegas, NV
Chris is going to the Philippines to join Pacquiao's staff (jk). NY2NV2Manila. Let's give him a warm send off and a sushi meal he won't likely forget. Anyone up for a late C&C meet followed by a sushi lunch?

1) lowellhigh79
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Chris is going to the Philippines to join Pacquiao's staff (jk). NY2NV2Manila. Let's give him a warm send off and a sushi meal he won't likely forget. Anyone up for a late C&C meet followed by a sushi lunch?

1) lowellhigh79

This is a must-do. Chris has been a dedicated member of our local club since the beginning; not to mention the fact that he is a friend to many of us. Name the time and place, and I'll be there. :smile:


1) lowellhigh79
2) TAG
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hmm can we do a friday dinner? then i can leave from there to go to california. or can we do a late Sunday night? I usually get back from cali at 730pm. just a suggestion cuz i understand what chris is to our community and is a great friend i would love to attend.
I personally miss seeing Chris at Cars&Coffee and remember all the great parties he's had at his home (always tons of food and laughter!). He was present in every club activity that I could think of and all must agree that he was certainly a pillar member of the group! His passion for the NSX was evident in how he cared for his car and his friendship is valued by all who know him. Good luck on your future endeavors and I'll see you on Saturday! Promise to keep in touch and say hello to Pacquiao for me.......
Any objections to Friday or Saturday night to include Joe?
Friday sounds good to me actually. I would like to make a habit out of doing more meets on Friday night. It gets me out of my house.
From reading Joe's reply, it sounds as though he's only available Friday night or late Sunday (but may be "pressured" to make it back to Vegas by 7:30). I will be at Montelago Village (Lake Las Vegas) with my family and some friends to watch a free Billy Joel tribute (not Him!) concert which starts at 7 pm on Friday. We could consider making that event our hangout time together for those who can make it, including spouses/GFs/BFFs (minus dinner because of the time constraints for those coming from work). Then for the majority of guys who can make it, consider pushing through with the Saturday lunch after C&C, or dinner. I know the 5/15 C&C will be Chris' last opportunity for many months, so it would be fitting to include that in the agenda. Having it on Saturday would allow us to focus more on Chris, especially if it's just Da Guys. Of course, we need to get in touch with Levy, David, Jeff, Bill, etc..
Wow, Chris is actually going back home huh. I'll be there regardless where & when, just let me know. And don't worry Chris, you can access the same sites in the Philippines that you're accustomed to here...=)
From reading Joe's reply, it sounds as though he's only available Friday night or late Sunday (but may be "pressured" to make it back to Vegas by 7:30). I will be at Montelago Village (Lake Las Vegas) with my family and some friends to watch a free Billy Joel tribute (not Him!) concert which starts at 7 pm on Friday. We could consider making that event our hangout time together for those who can make it, including spouses/GFs/BFFs (minus dinner because of the time constraints for those coming from work). Then for the majority of guys who can make it, consider pushing through with the Saturday lunch after C&C, or dinner. I know the 5/15 C&C will be Chris' last opportunity for many months, so it would be fitting to include that in the agenda. Having it on Saturday would allow us to focus more on Chris, especially if it's just Da Guys. Of course, we need to get in touch with Levy, David, Jeff, Bill, etc..

+1-Sorry Joe! C&C @ 9:30, followed by lunch at I Love Sushi (again) at 12. I pm'd the gang.

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Chris will definatley be missed. It will be like removing Roosevelt from Mount Rushmore.

Everytime we have been to Vegas Chris has made us feel welcome and has been very accomidating. Thanks again and If we were within an 8 hour drive we would be there!

Hope our paths cross again and we wish you the best!

Dan and Chrystal.
I understand. I rather have more people go to the gathering than just a few so doing the C&C thing is a great idea and i will be there in spirit. :biggrin::biggrin: Good luck Chris and i know things will work out for ya. your a great guy and hopefully you will be back in Oct.

Ah crap. It's not looking like I'll be able to make it. Chris is an awesome guy and will be seriously missed!!!
Many thanks for the compliment. You guys don't have to do this. I will only be 16 hours away. See you all tomorrow.


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We thought it would be fitting to have a send-off lunch at "Momo Sushi" for a guy that drove his NSX with a MOMO steering wheel!! Great food (with weird names), Great fun.. what more could one ask for? Lance brought out his black Buick Grand National with the T-top. Ray shared that he is a level 2 employee @ IN-N-OUT Burger. It was a toss-up between Danny and Shane of who ate the most. Tom's index finger is sore from taking non-stop photos. Laurel(sp.?), Tom's better half, graced us with her presence. Levy was also there ..... physically :^0 Virgil sacrificed the time that he would otherwise have spent buying car-detailing products to honor Chris instead. Bill, unfortunately, was not given the clearance to land his plane on Stephanie Street:frown:. Even Steve from Santa Clarita dropped by to say hello. Chris, I hope you were encouraged by our time together and we all wish you a safe and happy trip! See you soon and keep in touch!!:smile:
We thought it would be fitting to have a send-off lunch at "Momo Sushi" for a guy that drove his NSX with a MOMO steering wheel!! Great food (with weird names), Great fun.. what more could one ask for? Lance brought out his black Buick Grand National with the T-top. Ray shared that he is a level 2 employee @ IN-N-OUT Burger. It was a toss-up between Danny and Shane of who ate the most. Tom's index finger is sore from taking non-stop photos. Laurel(sp.?), Tom's better half, graced us with her presence. Levy was also there ..... physically :^0 Virgil sacrificed the time that he would otherwise have spent buying car-detailing products to honor Chris instead. Bill, unfortunately, was not given the clearance to land his plane on Stephanie Street:frown:. Even Steve from Santa Clarita dropped by to say hello. Chris, I hope you were encouraged by our time together and we all wish you a safe and happy trip! See you soon and keep in touch!!:smile:

Chris represents the best of our Las Vegas club: always present, always gracious, always helpful. Much success to you in the FILLAPEENS!!! (?sp: FILAPPEENS?) BTW, I'm a level 6 eater at Inn & Out; I think Shane is only a level 4 eater. Had a great time with everyone as usual. Was Levi there today?
It was great seeing you guys at C&C... even though it was only for a few minutes. I was hoping I could have joined you all for lunch to help send off Chris, but I had a fairly full day of looking for houses.

Chris, have a safe and fruitful trip to the PI.