Hello. Lately my radio has been buzzy when engine is on. I don't have this problem when I use my CD player. Could it be caused by bad radio noise condensor?
Originally posted by Kinan:
I had the same problem when I changed to Iridiums.
Take out a plug and look at the top cap. The top insulator screws onto the stud and leaves a threaded hole at the top.
Now look at an OEM plug. It has a solid top, not a screw in nipple.
The center conductors from the coil packs are real narrow and actually go INTO THE HOLE in the top of the Iridium plug and make poor contact which create spark gaps that make the radio noise.
You might take a screw of the same thread, screw it tight into the top of the plug and cut off the excess threads with a Dremel and sand it flush to make it like the EOM plugs.
This actually worked for me and has been great for over a year.
Originally posted by Kinan:
Glad it worked!
This drove me nuts until I finally figured it out! After the second set of plugs did the same thing and the Acura plugs not, I just HAD to figure out why this was.