BUZZKILL (BladesNSX read this)

27 July 2000
Alexandria, VA
Last night, a friend & I pulled into a narrow parking lot of a club to celebrate my b-day. Seeing that this pickup truck had just shifted into reverse, I stopped to wait for the guy to back out of his space, meanwhile another car had pulled into the lot behind me. I quickly realized that the dude in the pickup was not looking at all. As I desperately honked at him to no avail, all I could do was wait for him, for what seemed like slow motion, to back into my car--then CRUCH! I hop out to exchange some choice words w/ this guy, who at first was quick to give me a biz card of his insurer, but I soon realized that he was giving me incomplete info & inconsistent info on his license & phone #. He also started getting aggressive, saying I was too close & in broken English that I had a stupid car that was too low to see, the audacity! I got in his face & exhanged a few more choice words b4 calling the five-O to file a report. He tells the cop he left his license at home & that it wasn't his truck. He gave the cop his info, but upon being frisked, the cop found his license. Turns out that this idiot gave false info & fake name, he was in fact the owner of the truck, and then blew a 2.0 on the breathalizer! Fortunately, he's insured. Unfortunately, I can no longer say that my car has never been in an accident & that the paint is original. Needless to say he put a damper on my night out, but I put an even bigger one on his, as he was cuffed & led away in the paddywagon for an extended stay in the buttslam motel!
Hey Qwik,

Sorry to hear about the incident. Why is it that people seem to love to ride on your *ss in the NSX. It really sucks to know your car is no longer perfect. Even with body work done it still isnt the same. There is some tell-tale signs of the accident. But it is barely noticable thanx to Vinny Hollar. (sigh) well I suppose everyone is right "it is just a car". Wait, that feels very strange on my tounge. Let me know how your car turns out.
Very important! Remember to claim loss of value resulting in loss of value due to accident history. Insurance companies are required to return the car into before-accident condition and value.

-- Chris

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Remember to claim loss of value resulting in loss of value due to accident history. Insurance companies are required to return the car into before-accident condition and value.

This is simply NOT TRUE. Insurance companies are required to pay for the repair to the car. Period.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 08 April 2001).]
And you know, that is even if they want to replace your bumper with an "aftermarket" factory "looking" but not fitting bumper... make sure they put a FACTORY bumper on or your body panels wont fit like they used to.. altho the insurance company will only pay for "reasonable repairs" - which in their eyes, an aftermarket bumper - which is much cheaper, is reasonable! rrrrright