Last night, a friend & I pulled into a narrow parking lot of a club to celebrate my b-day. Seeing that this pickup truck had just shifted into reverse, I stopped to wait for the guy to back out of his space, meanwhile another car had pulled into the lot behind me. I quickly realized that the dude in the pickup was not looking at all. As I desperately honked at him to no avail, all I could do was wait for him, for what seemed like slow motion, to back into my car--then CRUCH! I hop out to exchange some choice words w/ this guy, who at first was quick to give me a biz card of his insurer, but I soon realized that he was giving me incomplete info & inconsistent info on his license & phone #. He also started getting aggressive, saying I was too close & in broken English that I had a stupid car that was too low to see, the audacity! I got in his face & exhanged a few more choice words b4 calling the five-O to file a report. He tells the cop he left his license at home & that it wasn't his truck. He gave the cop his info, but upon being frisked, the cop found his license. Turns out that this idiot gave false info & fake name, he was in fact the owner of the truck, and then blew a 2.0 on the breathalizer! Fortunately, he's insured. Unfortunately, I can no longer say that my car has never been in an accident & that the paint is original. Needless to say he put a damper on my night out, but I put an even bigger one on his, as he was cuffed & led away in the paddywagon for an extended stay in the buttslam motel!