Buzzing sound from front of '92

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
The '92 I just bought experiences an erratic, relatively loud buzzing/vibration-like sound from the front end of the car. It lasts for a few seconds , then stops. I can't feel any vibration and everything seems to work OK. So far, it has happened one time on each of the 2 drives I taken the car out for. It has happened both times within a few yards of taking off from my house. Someone suggested that it may have something to do with the ABS system. Any ideas as to cause ans remedy?
Congratulations on your purchase!

This is the normal sound of the ABS pump recharging the ABS accumulator. It is not normal for the pump to run every time you start the car (I think the car has to be moving at certain speed before it starts pumping). It is normal for the pump to recharge the system from time to time especially after ABS use. Most likely your ABS system needs to be checked and flushed by an experienced tech. Or you can do it yourself. There is an overwhelming amount of information on this topic within these forums (search the Tech & DIY forum for “ABS”). There is also information available in the FAQ on this site and at

Please read a bit of the available information and let us know if you have any further questions or need to locate the special tool (a few of us have these available for loan).

Good Luck,

Thanks, DanO. Yes, the sound has occurred while the car is in motion, not just at start-up. I just visited your site--excellent! I trust I'll be visiting it frequently in the future as I learn to do more maintenance. Thanks, again.
I would also like to know what this is. My '91 has done it also- only when first starting out of my driveway. (Front of the car pointing downward slightly)
Always at the same spot & same angle of the car! :confused:

Thought I read on this site/forum, that it was a fan motor (front of front wheel) for the air compressor/radiator ? Has only done this a few times. Would like to hear more response/ideas on this subject.
Mine does that too, and I always wondered what that noise was... Thanks :wink: