Buying a Wrecked '97 - Bad Idea??

27 July 2000
Through some contacts I have, I may be able to get my hands on a recently wrecked ’97-T. The frame is bent, there is damage to the front, plus 2 other corners. The insurance company is “totaling it”, meaning they don’t feel it’s economically repairable. IOW, after buying all the parts, labor, and paint to put it back together, there would probably be very little or no money to be made by selling it as a running car. The “highest and best use” for it would be as a source for parts. I may be a bit nuts, but im actually considering putting in a bid. First thing is to put together a spreadsheet of how much I can sell each part…and what parts are in demand, and can be sold within a reasonable period of time. The wheels are a bit scuffed but appear straight. The drivetrain, black interior, electrical system, glass, suspension with the exception of a bent rear toe link, and just about everything else appears to be in good shape.

So, here’s my thread….anyone who is interested in any parts off this car, please post what you want, and how much (no obligation) you’d realistically pay for it. Alternatively, even if you are not interested in a particular part, maybe you could share your knowledge about what parts would be saleable, and for how much.

“Plan B” is to buy the car, swap out the motor, 6-speed, bigger brakes, beautiful black interior, and whatever else with some of my buddies' older, worn stuff (i.e. older, smaller displacement motor, 5-speed, ’91 brakes, etc) and then sell the “car” on Ebay, or somewhere similar where it will be bought by some sheister rebuilder who will fix the car and "launder" the salvage title. It would of course then be resold by an unscrupulous dealer to some unsuspecting customer, as is the norm when an NSX gets trashed.....

Is this whole thing a crazy idea? What should I pay for the car?? Am I just smoking something here?? What do y’all think???

This sounds like an interesting idea. I am wondering what the 3.2w/6speed trans. is worth? I know of 2 people right NOW that could use the motor/trans. and also the big brakes. If the complete interior is perfect, then someone could upgrade and older NSX. I would be interested in some extra parts. Why not explore this more?

I dont think its all that crazy of an idea. Like the others I know a few people that would be interested in the engine and tranny. As for myself I would be interested in the complete interior if the price was reasonable.

Btw, how was the track event? I heard a rumor that you had some fun with a Viper.

Hey Ken-

Oh, yes we did put one particular Viper to shame at Willow Springs. He got passed so quickly going onto the back straight, that he pitted early the next lap “with his tail between his legs” according to one observer!

This whole ’97 thing is going to totally depend on what kind of price the insurance co. wants for it. I may be interested in the 3.2l motor, and maybe the brake system as a spare for mine (I already have ’97-up brakes on my car). I’d also be interested in a new front windshield, as mine has a ton of small pits (the OEM glass is lighter than aftermarket replacements) It looks like kpond may want the 6-speed tranny, and you are interested in the interior. Here’s some numbers I’ve thrown together so far. They are really rough estimates (subject to change with market research) of the value of each item that we know for sure we can sell:

5,000 Engine
3,000 Interior (including seats, door panels, all removable panels)
2,500 6-Speed Tranny
1,250 Sell Wheels on Ebay
1,000 T-Top
500 Brakes
250 Spare 16” tire
150 larger power brake booster
150 windshield

Now, on the last ’97 that crashed at the Palomar run, the insurance co. wanted $25k for it. That leaves us with an $11,200 difference, assuming the same $25k purchase number. Since there is so much of a difference, I think “Plan B” may be a better bet. We can take this stuff off the car, and replace it with our older stuff we swapped out, so the car is still complete and saleable on the salvage market.
I would be interested in a lower left rear control arm, I know that is an odd request but I am in need. I also would be interested in the 6-speed, but it seems there are many who have already spoke out. I would imagine there are a number of people who would pay 2500 or better (including myself) for the 6 speed. I would try that one ebay if I were you. I honestly think if you have the time to wait it out you could do ok as long as the inital purchase price was right. Just my .02

OK, well there is no question that there is interest in the drivetrain items. I want the motor, and a number of other folks are interested in the tranny. The interior looks like it has a taker as well. We even have one fellow intersted in part of the suspension. There is always demand for the 7-spoke 16/17" wheels.

Im still not convinced that buying the car is a good idea. Problem is that there will be too many things left over after these parts are gone. What to do then? We know the frame, and many of the body parts are no good. Thinking off the top of my head, we will have most of the suspension, the exhaust system, both doors (I think they are OK) the stereo, glass, dash cluster, dashbaord, A/C, (radiator is probably no good), ECU, TCS computer, nice new OEM shift knob, and a few other odds and ends left over. Certainly less than $11,200 worth of stuff. Then again, this '97 in question is in much worse shape than the Palomar car, so $25k would be way too high of a purchase price.

The big question then becomes what are all the residual parts worth? Maybe $2-3k, I would not think much more than that. So, we know we have at least $13,800 (probably a bit more) in saleable parts on it now. Let's call it $14k. We will have about $2,500 in these smaller residual parts left over when the dust clears that will take longer to sell. So the car is worth on a gross basis say $16,500 to us. Now, on the expense side, figure roughly $1,000 for trailering and interest expense, $500 for storage, Labor to remove parts- big question mark! ??

Ultimately, we would have to get rid of the bare chassis and munched body panels. Do we pay a disposal fee, or will some junk yard take this off our hands for free (or even pay us) I Simply don't know.

I, like the rest of y'all just want some parts off this thing. This may be too much of a project for just me to handle.

How about we get a few guys in the LA area to go in together on this? We could purchase and own it jointly, and take off whatever parts we want for our own cars or for our spares collections, then over maybe a month or so, strip the rest of the stuff off and sell on ebay or wherever, then trash the chassis. We could rent a storage unit for a couple of months, and meet on weekends to take stuff off. We could track the whole project, including each partner's equity using a spreadsheet.

We would all share in the profit/loss in this venture. I would invest the biggest interest, since I want the motor. We can figure each partner's investment by what parts they want, and what they wind up taking. We would sell the rest of the parts at some pre-arranged percentage of list price as shown in the crash repair parts catalog:

Assuming we can get the car at a price that makes sense for us to do this, is there anyone out there who thinks they might be interested in such a venture?
I'd be interested in the front driverside turning light lens and the sun visors. The center console lid (if it fits a 91). How are the doors? If there is anything left, you could take it to a aluminum can recycling facility and recycle it for cash. JUST make sure you go to the plant for you wouldn't be able to fit the car in the portable-can recycler machines

Kenji Ligon
I forgot, I need a a/c evaporator as well. Figured I would keep chiming in with others.

If someone has not spoken for the sunvisors (both), the A/C Control Unit (the part in the dash above the radio), the front plastic bumper lip (if its not too blemished), the cover that goes under the steering wheel and just above your legs (I believe it is vinyl...its the part that comes right up to the dash where the TCS button is and the dash dimmer). If any of these parts are available please email me at [email protected] becuase I will order them from Acura soon if they aren't available. Thanks
you can't take an nsx to the aluminum recyling because its considered dirty metal and it would cost too much to clean it for its worth wile.
Before you do this you might want to check your local and state laws. I know in some states you need a dismantlers license to do this. So it might be illegal. However the parts that everyone here needs are not parts that are going on a rebuild car. So they will not need paperwork with the parts you sell them. When someone rebuilds a totaled car and buys parts to do so, those parts must come with a receipt to prove to the DMV that the parts were not stolen. That receipt must come from a registered dismantler. You will however defiantly be able to resell the car to almost any salvage yard for a good amount of money even after you have "stripped it". BTW I am interested in the cover for the lower dash just above your legs. the leather, vinyl, pleather, what ever it is, it is starting to come off mine. Is anyone else's doing this?