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Buyer Issue: GO_KRT

28 May 2008
I wanted to make Prime aware that I’m having a significant issue with the BUYER from which I sold this item:

Buyer: GO_KRT (Barry/Alan Kagan)

I received payment and shipped the item on 10/24. Note, the individual who paid specifically stated that his brother does not have a PayPal account so requested that I accept payment and ship to an alternate address. I agreed (with hesitation) given the overall low value of the item (sale was $200). The buyer provided his business UPS account for me to drop off the package and have the item shipped on. No other requests were made, no additional insurance on the item, etc. So, this defaulted to the UPS insurance of $100.

The item arrived on 11/8 and was damaged in transit. UPS is willing to reimburse the buyer $100, however, the buyer feels that this is inadequate since the replacement cost is much higher (or even repair costs for that matter). The buyer claims the responsibility of placing insurance on an item when shipping is the seller’s responsibility, even if this has to be an out of pocket expense. I’ve explained that insurance is provided as buyer protection on an item and that it remains optional, and my responsibility for the package stops once the carrier takes over ownership. I can only add additional costs to their shipping account for insurance on the item if requested, otherwise, the charges would technically be unauthorized. I’ve stressed over and over that this is an issue between the seller and carrier.

I have provided eBay’s interpretation on this subject to the buyer:

I’ve also included UPS’ Guidelines:

To make this even more complicated, since I’m using the buyer’s shipping account, technically, the buyer becomes the shipper and the receiver – which according to UPS, means I can not get involved.

I’ve remained very vigilant on email responses and providing as much documentation and information that I have regarding the topic. I just find the buyer very difficult to work with as they don’t understand how this seems to work according to UPS policy. Has anyone experience similar? This is now a PayPal Claim.

My follow up question to this is; How would Enthusify view this issue and handle it?
Since the buyer became the shipper, he is ultimately responsible. Perhaps he should have insured his item for a higher value, but in this case it bit him in the ass when he declined additional insurance to save a few bucks...
If they declined additional insurance, tough break.

It is always the buyers responsibility to DEMAND insurance if they value the contents being shipped.
Since the buyer became the shipper, he is ultimately responsible. Perhaps he should have insured his item for a higher value, but in this case it bit him in the ass when he declined additional insurance to save a few bucks...

Just to clarify - the buyer didn't "decline" insurance, I just never offered additional since I was shipping the large item using the shipper's UPS account. Historically, in any transaction I've ever made, the buyer either specifically requests the insurance and pays the extra and I will accommodate, or - in this case, the buyer would've told me to add insurance on the item and bill it to their shipping account as well. Neither took place and the word insurance never once came up.

Like I've told the buyer - my responsibility for the package stops once UPS takes ownership of the item.
Update from PayPal. Apparently, they decided if the buyer ships the packaged back to me that was damaged in transit by the carrier, he is entitled to a full refund. I doubt he would send it back, it cost nearly $400 in shipping to go to him, so it would be roughly the same on the return. So, to spend ANOTHER $400 for a $200 refund would be just plain stupid.

Either way, I'll sit and wait to see what happens by Dec 8.


We contacted the buyer and let them know that you would agree to process a full refund if they return the merchandise to you in its original condition.

The buyer will ship the item to this address:


What happens next

The buyer is required to provide tracking information confirming that they shipped the merchandise to you by Dec 8, 2012. If we don't receive this information, the claim will be closed and a refund will not be issued.
As an update, the buyer (oddly) decided to ship the broken hood back at their expense. PayPal reimbursed them $200 for the original purchase, I have a broken hood which is going directly in the trash. In addition to that, the buyer DID file a UPS claim and ALSO collect insurance on the item.

I sent the information to PayPal for further review. They should hopefully reverse the decision and suspend the buyer's account.

Attached is confirmation showing that the BUYER has placed an insurance claim with UPS and received a payout. In addition to receiving an insurance payout from UPS, they are also receiving a reimbursement for the item as well, which is going against me as the SELLER.

UPS Claim #022008373
UPS Check Number #0004255709
UPS Check paid on 11/21/2012 in the amount of $100.00

I’m requesting that PayPal review this document and reverse the decision

I regret even selling the hood, I should've just put the damn thing in the trash.
HUBRIS... "means extreme pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power."

There are always two sides to every story. However at this point Hijacker has created so many sides versions and variations that I am somewhat stymied as to where to begin. So.....perhaps the beginning:

I contacted him 10/23 about this hood on behalf of my brother and was told that he had already sold it BUT (and I quote) "The only way I would pick him over the person 1st in line is if he increase from $150+shipping up to $200+shipping. Highest bid wins."
I was shocked. My brother wanted the hood but I was immediately confronted by the fact that he was so disreputable that he would make a deal with one person, then cancel it so he could sell to another person for more money......at his own suggestion. Looking back I now wish that red flag would have made us refuse to complete the transaction.

In any event my brother gave “hijacker” complete discretion in use of his business UPS account……which he totally abused. Not only did he fail to add the insurance which would have been a pittance but he measured/weighed the package incorrectly causing excess charges to be placed on my brother’s UPS shipping account. Hijacker----using my brother’s account charged $240 for shipping TO Texas. By using proper calculations the return shipping was $120------approximate HALF the amount that Hijacker carelessly and callously charged to my brother’s account. He had complete discretion in shipping. If he had the freedom and latitude to overcharge the account he certainly had the freedom to add a couple dollars worth of insurance to the hood Please note that in Hijacker’s post #5 he states that it cost $400 to ship the hood and implies that it would cost another $400 to return it. Apparently this is just another example of his inability to keep his LIES straight.

In a separate thread Hijacker asks Enthusify to explain its position in this same/similar circumstance.


Even though Enthusify tells Hijacker that their LEGAL INTERPRETATION would side with the buyer entitling the buyer to a full refund:


  • Buyer notifies Enthusify within 14 days of purchase.
  • If seller wants item back, buyer receives return mailing address from seller.
  • Buyer pays cost of return shipping with tracking number.
  • Buyer gets full refund once item delivered and confirmed by seller.


  • Enthusify notifies seller of buyer problem.
  • Seller decides to let buyer keep item or to have buyer send item back.
  • Seller provides return mailing address to buyer.
  • Seller does not get reimbursed for original shipping to the buyer.
Seller gets item in mail. Confirms receipt. Does not get sale proceeds.”

Hijacker continues to persist in an attempt to defend his position. He asks for their interpretation then refuses to accept it and tries to interpret / twist it to his own liking.

“So, how would a dispute be handled if the buyer refuses to accept a damaged package and the seller refuses to accept a return because of damage in transit by the carrier? Does enthusify default payment to the seller and its not buyer's responsibility to deal with the carrier?

Your answer really doesn't seem to provide an answer.” (Hijacker)

Obviously he didn’t like the answer which was very clear because it disagreed with his unjustified position.

PayPal thoroughly reviewed this case and sided with me. Thanks to them I have a $200 refund and a $100 refund from UPS. Let me state this again. We have spent $360 total in shipping and have received $300 in “refunds” (including the $100 from UPS that Hijacker implies was fraudulently obtained and feels compelled to notify PayPal.) We are still “in the hole” have LOST $60 on this bad deal but Hijacker still isn’t finished and feels the need to try to vilify and disparage me with PayPal AND the Prime community. HUBRIS IS DEFINED IN “HIJACKER”.

I started writing this then checked back and now see that Hijacker has also chosen to dredge up the past regarding my buying / selling history and Feedback on Prime regarding a completely separate transaction. I will summarize that deal:

I bought an NSX-R hood and paid with PayPal
Buyer shipped and he admitted he was in a hurry and only
cellophane wrapped the hood-----NO CARDBOARD OR CRATE
He apologized and said he would take care of it but took off and for 3 WEEKS did nothing….did not answer emails or call me even though I provided my cell number and asked him via email on multiple occasions
I paid $400 for the hood AND $600 to fix/repair the hood----buyer elected to refund $100 to my PayPal account THEN LEFT ME NEGATIVE FEEDBACK !!! I could have bought a new hood for $800 on eBay. Go figure I'M Out $1000 for a hood that I could have bought for $800 and have negative feedback from the seller AND now have an egomaniac disparaging me on the Prime community.

It’s my understanding that Hijacker has sold his NSX. Hopefully the moderators will remove him from this website so he will stop using it as a public forum to tell his one sided lies and half truths.
I think we all have better uses for our time and I know that I do so this will be my one and only post on this thread. Everything that I have stated here is backed up by references to his threads and I have his emails preserved in case anyone would like to see exactly what he wrote…..especially his dishonest/disreputable, totally reprehensible RENEGE to sell to the first buyer if we would “outbid” him EVEN after “making a deal” Obviously he is not a man of his word. Whoever you are---be glad that THIS LOSER chose to renege and you never had to deal with him. CAVEAT EMPTOR !!!
Buyer just left me negative feedback, still no response on this thread.. LOL. Let's note, the buyers feedback rating is now 50% after my response.

UPS and PayPal are continuing to investigate the fraudulent claim. Unfortunately, what I can provide is limited based on what I have access too. I'm surprised that UPS provided me all the details on the insurance payout he received, which was just 24hrs after he had notified me that it was "denied" (not true). I really don't expect much of an outcome from here, I chalk this up as a loss and its unfortunate. I just hope that others remain aware of this particular individual and scenario as it could also happen to you. That's why I've been asking how Enthusify would handle this, since PayPal seems to be very limited. Apparently, according to PayPal, if you buy something, and it arrives damaged, you can file an insurance claim and collect, return the broken product to the seller, and receive a reimbursement from the seller. (Not sure why that makes much sense), but its a scam none-the-less. Also, PayPal doesn't seem to care if the return of the shipment is signature confirmed or even the contents of the package. I had no way to verify receipt or contents, they just rule in favor automatically based on the return.

So, be VERY VERY careful.
I'm writing this response as an official apology to "GO_KRT". I apologize that this transaction went south and I delayed on issuing a refund directly and opted to allow this to take its course through PayPal. I also apologize that I did not elect additional insurance on the package using the buyers shipping account which unfortunately caused an issue with the claim process on the item when it arrived at his residence. I would encourage others on the forum who may buy/sell with this individual to do so based on other reviews and not consider this transaction and situation negatively on GO_KRT.
You two would have been better served by communicating a little up front. But here are some thoughts...
Lots of guys won't ship large cf parts like hoods because you have to spend so much to pack them right or they are almost guaranteed to get damaged.
Technically, whoever pays shipping should probably be responsible for adding insurance. But this case is hardly straightforward as buyer was paying for shipping by having seller use buyer's UPS account. Again, a little communication...

Good to see Hijacker step up and admit that he was partially at fault for what happened. Takes some character to do that on a public forum like this. Hat's off to you, sir.

Speaking of character, I have to add this about Go Kart: When I saw his ad for an oem antenna I sent him a note asking if he still had the harness connector. He indicated that he had planned to leave it in the car in case he ever decided to reinstall the oem antenna, but was curious how much I would be willing to pay. I responded with a fair price and HE responded that he would just go ahead and pull it and send it along at no charge! This was no small thing as he had to keep the power wire intact for the shark that was replacing the oem antenna. Anyway, I am grateful for his time and effort. Alan is the kind of member that makes this forum and the NSX community so great.

I would not hesitate to buy from or sell to Hijacker or Go Krt.
I contacted him 10/23 about this hood on behalf of my brother and was told that he had already sold it BUT (and I quote) "The only way I would pick him over the person 1st in line is if he increase from $150+shipping up to $200+shipping. Highest bid wins."
I was shocked. My brother wanted the hood but I was immediately confronted by the fact that he was so disreputable that he would make a deal with one person, then cancel it so he could sell to another person for more money......at his own suggestion. Looking back I now wish that red flag would have made us refuse to complete the transaction.

Well that other person he promised it to was me, and I was pissed at the time that Hijacker sold the hood overnight from under my feet while he was supposed to be getting a shipping quote for me so that I could paypal the total payment. I did not even get a chance to bid though "highest bidder wins" apparently for a requested fee of only $50. I was told you "offered" more not that he requested more despite having agreed to sell it to me.

I was a little bitter about the way he conducted himself for such a petty amount but looks like I avoided a nightmare, and I ended up buying the DF carbon hood I really wanted anyways. I've moved on but I thought I should post this since I was a little shocked to discover this thread.
I dont mean to chime in negativity but I also do recall reading on another person's sale thread that Hijacker failed to inform them of significant damage to some recent wheels he had sold. I believe they were advans (similiar to the ones pictured in his avatar)

Found the thread for reference:

Personally I think I've heard enough to make an informed decision.
You two would have been better served by communicating a little up front. But here are some thoughts...
Lots of guys won't ship large cf parts like hoods because you have to spend so much to pack them right or they are almost guaranteed to get damaged.
Technically, whoever pays shipping should probably be responsible for adding insurance. But this case is hardly straightforward as buyer was paying for shipping by having seller use buyer's UPS account. Again, a little communication...

Good to see Hijacker step up and admit that he was partially at fault for what happened. Takes some character to do that on a public forum like this. Hat's off to you, sir.

Speaking of character, I have to add this about Go Kart: When I saw his ad for an oem antenna I sent him a note asking if he still had the harness connector. He indicated that he had planned to leave it in the car in case he ever decided to reinstall the oem antenna, but was curious how much I would be willing to pay. I responded with a fair price and HE responded that he would just go ahead and pull it and send it along at no charge! This was no small thing as he had to keep the power wire intact for the shark that was replacing the oem antenna. Anyway, I am grateful for his time and effort. Alan is the kind of member that makes this forum and the NSX community so great.

I would not hesitate to buy from or sell to Hijacker or Go Krt.

You're welcome for the harness connector. It was a pain in the butt to remove only because I am old and feeble......had to take everything out of the trunk, remove the carpet, then work upside down on small wires to reconnect the power wire to the Shark Attack antenna. But I actually DO believe that you get more from giving than receiving so I did get some personal enjoyment out of helping you have a better day.

Hijacker not only left me negative feedback but his feedback was slanderous in nature. "Buyer committed fraud UPS, PayPal, and myself" He "elected" to apologize in this format ONLY after I promised to sue him in court if he didn't. He also promised to contact the moderators and get the negative feedback reversed but I still haven't seen that happen (maybe they won't because of policy?)

I stand by my original assessment of Hijacker. I am not the one who started this negativity on the buyer/seller experiences page. He should have waited until this was resolved, accepted the resolution of paypal and never slandered me with feedback.

BTW.....this transaction was not even for my benefit. I was only the middle man since my brother is electronically challenged and never got a Prime or PayPal account. This entire experience is a good reminder that no good deed will go unpunished.