Buttonwillow, FXMD & Billy 4/21-22

16 May 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Not content by setting all of the other track records, the FXMD is going for a bigger one. They will be doing this at Buttonwillow this weekend April 21&22.

If you can't go, check out justin.tv which may have a live feed of the event.


I hear there is construction on I-5 near Buttonwillow these days. Might be wise to look into it and maybe give yourself a little extra travel time. Wish I could go!
I'll be there to. Let's hook up I'll be the guy in the garage with the beers!

Sweet, I'll join ya for one, I'm the skinny white guy, can't miss me, lol

I hear there is construction on I-5 near Buttonwillow these days. Might be wise to look into it and maybe give yourself a little extra travel time. Wish I could go!

Not sure if there is, everything is clear down around LA and on the 14 next to willow springs, 58 thru Tehachapi from Bakersfield is also clear with no problems
Sweet, I'll join ya for one, I'm the skinny white guy, can't miss me, lol

Not sure if there is, everything is clear down around LA and on the 14 next to willow springs, 58 thru Tehachapi from Bakersfield is also clear with no problems

I saw your car there, but not you. It looks great. Did you run it? I was in the garages in the back. Hot out there but fun!
We had a few issues due to some third party work as usual... We still ended up taking 1st place in unlimited rwd while doing our tech lap.:) Car is more refined than ever and will destroy our old record as the Fastest Time Attack car in the Nation come November at SLB.