Buffalo Run in KC 10/18/08

8 January 2003
Independence, MO, USA
Last minute reminder for the Buffalo Run. Be there on the Plaza Sat. morning 7-11 am for the car show before the run. Litterally millions of dollars of cars. Lambos, ferraris, classics, NSX's, you name it, it will be there. Gary

I'll be there saturday. I quit doing this run after i figured out that it is rigged and the large donations from sponsers are the winners typically. As you can see the turn out became smaller and smaller every year as last year was half of what the previous year. I posted my time card with miles on the forum and it should that i should have place in the top 2 or 3 seed and still didn't win anything. Currently, I'm planning my own maybe next year.
Looked for you Joseph, but didn't see you. Who had the one lone NSX there? Red/tan post 1994? Gary
I was there early and left about 40 min. after. I just took my little 3yr old nephew since he wanted to see them. The lone NSX i'm not sure. That one doesnt look familiar to me at all.