Buddy Club seat rails work with DF NSX-R seats?

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
Hey guys,

I was just wondering about this combo. Has anyone successfully used Buddy Club Seat rails with NSX-R or DF NSX-R seats? Buddy Club rails are pretty inexpensive compared to the other rails out in the market. Looks like it should work but I'm wondering if anyone else has used this combo before? Considering a pair is close to half of the SOS rails and still cheaper than taitec it might be good deal even if it has it's quirks. I know I've ready that unless you align them correctly the sliding mechanism doesn't work well but considering once it's set that's were it will stay I'm not too worried about it.

So please if anyone has any info please let me know.
I don't see why not. I have them on my status seats. They are a pain to install though. I spent hours trying to get them aligned properly so they would slide smooth
I dont think so, its going to depend on the width of the seat itself thinner seats like the recaro SPG, spg HANS and the smaller DF seats and smaller full shelled buckets. The BC slider hits the bottom of wider seats at the welds for the belt provisions to clear them the seat has to be on one of the top two slots making the seat sit really high. Are the NSX-r seats side mount?
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I guess nevermind. Originally when I talked to an employ of SOS over the phone they told me they only had one rail left because they are redesigning what they have. That's why I was looking for alternatives. After talking to Bryan from SOS it appears they had made a mistake and actually had more than 1 so I'm a just purchase those since I definitely know those SOS rails work with the NSX-R seats.

illwillem - Yes the NSX-R seats are side mount just like the other Recaro seats.