British Grand Prix

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
Does anyone know when and on what network the British Grand Prix is to be televised? Speedvision is really dropping the ball on Formula One this year.
I think it is on CBS at about 1PM EST 10AM PST. The only thing worse than CBS commentary is Buttons performance in qualifying today. Dump Button and put Davidson in the car..
schuey1010 said:
I think it is on CBS at about 1PM EST 10AM PST. The only thing worse than CBS commentary is Buttons performance in qualifying today. Dump Button and put Davidson in the car..

You are very correct sir. CBS at 1:30 PM EST.
Ouch, Well I saw how bad Button did. It isn't really like him to do so poorly, especially on his home track. Any speculations as to what happened? I fell asleep watching qualifying yesterday. Already know the results, so I'm not sure I'm gonna watch the race on CBS.

I'm getting really Sick of Speedchannel's half-ass showing of F1 as opposed to their religious showing of Nascar. However, I used to be on the SPEED Forum and I started a vote on who would rather see more of other racing, i.e. F1, GT Champoinship, and JGTC as opposed to all the Nascar they show. Surprisingly, I got higher vote for other racing venues and less Nascar than the current showing.

Not surprisingly, I got alot of Nascar junkies being insulting and disrepectful. I let it slide until one comment got me fired up. I made a civil response to that. Next thing I know, I get an email from the moderator telling me to curb my attacks on Nascar. I took myself off the boards after that. Clearly biased and not worth my time.
BladesNSX said:
Ouch, Well I saw how bad Button did. It isn't really like him to do so poorly, especially on his home track. Any speculations as to what happened?

Schumacher snuck into his garage in the wee hours of the morning before the race and bolted a BBSC to his car. :)

Although I agree, IMO that a supercharger isn't really good for the NSX engine, I wouldn't have picked a specific one. But Hugh is the BUTTON pusher we all know and love.:biggrin:
Speedvision is really dropping the ball on Formula One this year.
The way I would say it is: F-1 is really dropping the ball on us. Speed Channel coverage is for the very few real race fans; the CBS audience is the kids with pants down around their knees who are so clueless they need announcers like Ralph and Derek repeating themselves over and over and over again. Derek on CBS sounds like Mr. Rogers and I sure hope they're paying him a lot of money to make such a fool of himself for their audience.
Most likely due to the huge popularity and success of NASCAR and not to mention the majority of F1 races occur in time zones 6 to 9 hours apart from American ones.

Regardless of the technology involved in F1, the average viewer couldn't care less. NASCAR is actually more fun to watch on TV than F1. Personally, I'd love to see more JGTC/GT Live coverage. Thats's the best racing series in the world.
Hugh said:
...Regardless...NASCAR is actually more fun to watch on TV...Thats's the best racing series in the world.

Since when is the Astroglide team coming to NASCAR? :eek:
Have they ever had a race between an F1 car vs the US Indy cars? I know the Indy cars top speed is higher. Out of curiosity I'd love to actually see a race between the two. Maybel I'll write to Top Gear or 5th Gear. :)
Re: Attention Bench racers

Have they ever had a race between an F1 car vs the US Indy cars?
I'm going to assume you really mean Champ Cars or their predecessors, not current Indy cars which have trouble turning right. No, I don't believe anyone has ever raced an F-1 car against another open wheel car in a way that meant anything. But the bench racers lurking out there will likely voice some pretty staunch opinions on which is the better car or which one would win the race. And we all know that could be 2 different answers from the same guy (just like an NSX is the better car even though a Z06 might win "the race").

I'll start the ball rolling by saying that I've heard the Champ Cars are pretty primitive and brutish compared to the much higher tech F-1. You can conclude that just from the budget comparisons. And I'll go so far as to say that the cars are probably some if not most of the reason that CART/Champ Car heros have failed miserably in F-1. I can sense from Zanardi's book that he was too much of an outsider and free spirit to relate well to his team's upper management (necessary to be a complete F-1 driver), but I also believe even he couldn't achieve the car control finesse to really be a consistent top 5 F-1 driver even though he was the Senna of CART in the late 90's.

Back to the implied question; Because they are lighter with a far more sophisicated aero package and traction control, I'd bet lunch an F-1 would win handily on most courses by being quicker if not faster.
I totally agree. With what, 18 000 rpm to work with, semi-auto tranni's, suspensions designed by guys over-qualified for NASA using materials from Area 51, a CHAMP car wouldn't stand a chance. Which in no way diminishes my appreciation for CART, as it remains my favourite series to watch (when you can find it) .
I personally love F1. The effort placed into these cars border perfection, fueled by passoin. I once saw an interview done by a Champ car driver that was allowed to drive a Formula One race car. He was shocked by the raw power, the incredible braking, and razor sharp handling of the car. He said the car felt better in many ways than the champ car. Such would be expected with the money and research placed into Formula One. Watch these cars tear up the track and switch through turns and it's mesmorizing.

As far as top speed goes. I would assume that with the proper gearing and earo, a Formula One car can keep up with a Champ Car or Indy Car.

I would dream of being able to drive such a car. It is why I hope one day to purchase the Atom :biggrin:
BladesNSX said:
I personally love F1. The effort placed into these cars border perfection, fueled by passoin. I once saw an interview done by a Champ car driver that was allowed to drive a Formula One race car. He was shocked by the raw power, the incredible braking, and razor sharp handling of the car. He said the car felt better in many ways than the champ car. Such would be expected with the money and research placed into Formula One. Watch these cars tear up the track and switch through turns and it's mesmorizing.

As far as top speed goes. I would assume that with the proper gearing and earo, a Formula One car can keep up with a Champ Car or Indy Car.

I would dream of being able to drive such a car. It is why I hope one day to purchase the Atom :biggrin:

An F1 car is superior to a champ car or Indycar in every way except high-speed stability and gearing.

The braking and balance of the F1 car is amazing, even to lifelong, professional racecar drivers.

Even if the Indycar had more HP I'd bet an F1 car would be able to out-accelerate it because of it's balance and ablility to put power to the ground, not to mention its sophisticated electronics.

The average Indycar speed is far above F1 but as you mentioned proper gearing would take care of that. Indycars are also designed for stability at 220MPH+ speeds, not 120MPH like F1. A major reconfiguration of the F1 body would be needed to gain more stability at 220MPH+.

Two different cars that do two different things. But on the Nurburgring the F1 car will win by a large margin every time.