Bridgewater NSX day article up

Glad to hear you had a great time. Just one correction that I noted: the "Factor X" car you identified as Bailey's not only is not a Factor X but is better known as the SLOWEST NSX because of that ugly-ass wing causing so much drag. :tongue:
The only Factor on Bailey's car is Factor "WHY". Why does he have that ugly ass go slow wing on the back of the car. His car does under 20 seconds in the 1/4 mile, and that's down hill, with a stiff breeze behind it!!!
Acura NsX Pilot said:
If you ask Clem how slow it is he might have something different to :biggrin:

Bailey, you must remember Clem's point of reference, he just drove down to NJ in his Subie station wagon, not exactly a fast car (although it might beat the go slow-mobile)!!! :eek:
nice write up and pictures... It would be nice if you can take of the copyright protection so I can snag some pics of my ride :wink:
lol nice job arron on this one...too bad you didnt get the one with the cake being blown out....and yes for those who have my posts i REALLY want that picture thats history right there!
Nice Job Aaron,

Thanks for the write up and pictures, great work =) It was nice meeting you and hope to see you at another event in the near future.

secondhand misinfo & damage control

nice ambush journalism, i was not interviewed
about my mishap, then you wrote about it.
lmao about bailey's factor x mobile

cbs is looking for people like you. :rolleyes:
keep up the good work.

followup edit...

"This 1991 NSX, owned by Jonathan Liegner has the full body kit from Wings West, as well as 5Zigen exhaust and Stern wheels. However, this car has a sad suprise..." attrib to aaron

my car only sports the bad "car"ma of a wingswest big heavyslowerdowner,
not full body kit........

wait your right!!! in the accident, all kinds of aftermarket stuff fell off !! joe/vince's autobody works , can we recalculate the repair???

does a car devalue if it has a "sad suprise".... :confused:
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Re: secondhand misinfo & damage control

jalnjr said:
nice ambush journalism, i was not interviewed
about my mishap, then you wrote about it.
lmao about bailey's factor x mobile

cbs is looking for people like you. :rolleyes:
keep up the good work.

If someone is willing to sponsor me I might be able to be persuaded to go factor X with my car. :rolleyes:
nice write up and pictures... It would be nice if you can take of the copyright protection so I can snag some pics of my ride :wink:

just right click, hit ok, then right click again...nuthin' stopn' ya mikey :cool:
lol sorry just working with what I got, which was talking to a few people, a bunch of pics, and the other threads in this forum. Jalnjr - for the record I did actualy talk to someone else there about your car, you were elsewhere at the time, and I read your bluebird of happiness thread. Um, is there anything I should change about that other than the body kit thing or if you want I'll take your car off. This is really my first time covering anything like this so I made the crucial mistakes of being too much in awe of the cars to really talk to everyone important and the even worse mistake of failing to get anybody's name.

And about Bailey's car...I read the "NSX runs 11.44" thread thinking that was him but I guess I was wrong. I managed to get absolutely zero info about his car while at the show, again I'm an amateur at this obviously. I'd be more than happy to change it and I anticipated getting a few details wrong, which why I posted this here as soon as it was up. Bailey would you mind PMing me with the real specs of your car? or if you want ill just take your car off too. lol sorry guys, dont wanna make any enemies here 'cause i wanna get invited back next time. Next time I sweart I'll write stuff down and be a less crappy journalist ok?
Just to update, all of the errors I know about so far have been corrected. Also, feel free to save the images or do whatever with them. And, by the way, if I don't seem to have much or any info about your NSX, it's just because I don't know so anyone who wants to claim ownership of the NSX in any picture and/or elaborate on what pars they have is welcome to post or PM and it'll be added right into the article.
aaron, it's cool. i'm impressed with your blog.
no diss intended, sarcastic yes.....but non fiction readers want
reality, & that's impossible in the end, for the writer.

sorry my cake video crapped out, you guys really dug that :cool: