break in period?

17 January 2018
Does the Gen2 NSX have a manufacture recommended engine break in period?

I bought mine from a dealer 2,100 miles away so I get no introduction to the car.
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It is my understanding that Acura dyno's each engine extensively prior to installation and thus breaks it in so that you can take it home and put it through it's paces...... I would think it would be ready for a long drive home without hesitation.
Engine and transmission are broken in at the factory. If you have iron rotors, I believe the manual recommends taking it easy for a few hundred miles/km.
My sales guy told me break-in wasn't needed with the motor and transmission.

In terms of breaking in the iron rotors -- Does stopping power increase after a few hundred miles of driving?

I've found that, coming to a abrupt stop from say 60 mph, even with the brake pedal to the floor, the car will not come to an immediate stop. The car overshoots about 10-20ft whereas on other cars, the tires would become the limiting factor at that point while coming to a halt almost immediately. The best way to describe the feel is along the lines of having the pedal to the floor but the system is not engaging the brakes at 100% clamp force.
Maybe the brakes need to be bled? Doesn't sound normal to me. I'd call your dealer and have it checked. Brakes are seriously important on a car that will do 191 MPH!!
with regular metal rotors you should bed them in with progressive hard a may have glazed the rotors with light use.
Actually, it's the pads that glaze, with all due respect..... Typically a low pedal is reflective of a hydraulic problem, but then who knows with this so called "electric" braking
system??? I ran vintage formula cars for many years, and there was always talk about bedding brakes, which nobody really does. We'd change pads and go racing..... Certainly worth checking.
racers like yourself use the brakes properly...the average driver of a high performance car may be lightly dragging the pad....just my random thoughts...
Reviewing the owners manual, it only mentions taking it easy for 200 miles on the iron rotors and not much else. I went out to do some hard stops last night and braking power seems to have improved significantly especially the last 10-20 ft on very abrupt stops.

The brake dust on the other hand... :frown: