Brazilian Guy Gives Cheating Girlfriend Box Of Cockroaches

26 February 2007
37°22′17″N 122°8′15″W
This guy thinks like me.

And the gal needs to close her legs like a church patron in ankle high dress.

Otherwise things can make a home in some part of the gal.

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The people next door play music like that.

You're scare'n me

Had to have been staged. Notice the strategic camera placements :wink:

When I'm in Brazil, the only way I can stand watching their stupid television shows is the hot women :biggrin:

Brazilian Portuguese is a beautiful language, except when it's spoken by the husky-sounding chics :confused:

Had to have been staged. Notice the strategic camera placements :wink:

When I'm in Brazil, the only way I can stand watching their stupid television shows is the hot women :biggrin:

Brazilian Portuguese is a beautiful language, except when it's spoken by the husky-sounding chics :confused:


And how many "hidden" cameras can one place in such a small cars without being noticed by that girl? I agree.
Definitely looks staged. And how can you be locked in the car? Unless he totally rigged the car so you can't unlock it from the inside she should have had no problem opening the door.
I just showed this to my stepdaughter who spent the summer last year in Brazil studying abroad and she said there are definitely a lot of trannies there.

Word to the wise while in Brazil. Always do a package check. ;)
Never heard that. Brazil has the most boob implants and plastic surgery though.

They caused a world shortage of silicon implants just before Carnival last year :biggrin:


well I guess you can go find out for yourself. ;) :biggrin:
Whats scary is that some of these dudes look better than some women.....
I just showed this to my stepdaughter who spent the summer last year in Brazil studying abroad and she said there are definitely a lot of trannies there.

Word to the wise while in Brazil. Always do a package check. ;)

I've heard the same thing there is large percentage of hermaphrodites born in Brazil compared to other countries. Speaking of trannies...

Don't ever say "I just blew my tranny" when surrounded by non-car enthusiasts. They all get the wrong idea and grossed out lol.
Kind of looks staged....she looks like she is smiling....and how would she not notice 2 cameras?

Just got back from Raleigh, spent the day helping a friend move to Jacksonville. Crabtree was insanely packed today, guess everyone is out spending their tax refunds.