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I don't know why you guys care how the car is maintained - its not for sale and he does own a dealership so I'm sure he has the resource to maintain it properly.  Dust never hurt anyone.  If I owned a dealership I would also show it off, but I would definitely rope it off for sure.  Great way to get people to "talk" about the old and upcoming new car! 

People who have money don't really give a rats us about how we think anyways, a big reason why they are rich probably! :)

But I'm glad he is showing it off and *gasp, look we are talking about it here!

P.S. I have my 2009 GPW s2000 (heavily modded) listed for $52k on s2ki right now and tons of haters but guess what, it draws TONS OF VIEWS and people are talking about it so I guess my plan is working :)

I'm sure this black NSX owner will sell at the right price but I agree it's worth way more than $100k, bet he will take $150k for the car?
