Brand New '05 at Bell Acura - Phx

29 March 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix NSXers,

On Saturday, May 7, Bell Acura rolled a brand new, 2005, zero mile NSX onto the showroom. It is red with camel interior. Absolutely gorgeous. Expect them to advertise it to bring in folks who will then buy other Acura cars - or at least I suspect that is the plan.
SLarsen said:
Phoenix NSXers,

On Saturday, May 7, Bell Acura rolled a brand new, 2005, zero mile NSX onto the showroom. It is red with camel interior. Absolutely gorgeous. Expect them to advertise it to bring in folks who will then buy other Acura cars - or at least I suspect that is the plan.

Coolness... I'll have to go check it out. When you say 'zero mile', I assume you mean around 50 miles, right? I think they put around 50 on them in Tochigi before they ever make it here.
ya, I am actually the tech who pdi'ed the car
when I got it, the car actually had only 10 miles, I put 2 miles on the car
put gas in it and a very short t.d. This is actually the lowest mile nsx
I have ever seen. I have a red and ivory 93 and this one almost stole my
heart.... :biggrin:
gabej said:
ya, I am actually the tech who pdi'ed the car
when I got it, the car actually had only 10 miles, I put 2 miles on the car
put gas in it and a very short t.d. This is actually the lowest mile nsx
I have ever seen. I have a red and ivory 93 and this one almost stole my
heart.... :biggrin:

Wow... I'm wondering if, in the new Suzuka plant, they don't do the same 40 mile test runs they did in Tochigi.

Regardless, I'll probably bring mine by tomorrow to check out the new kid on the block. :)
waldorf said:
Regardless, I'll probably bring mine by tomorrow to check out the new kid on the block. :)

So... as previously posted, this car now has 14 miles on it. It was produced in Suzuka, so I'm not sure if this low mileage is due to a different 'proving grounds' step or if it's just on the low end of "up to" 50 miles. Has anyone else seen 2005 Suzuka NSX's with similarly low mileage?

This is the first time I've seen a newer model close-up, so I guess this is as good a place as any for my unsolicited impressions. :)

The car I've been in love with for over 10 years has pop-up headlights. I guess they're arguably "dated" or whatever, but the newer fixed headlights make it look... well... less like the car of my dreams. The new rear, I think the amber ovals at each end of the taillight assembly are a step in the wrong direction. Everything else looked amazing and it still blows my mind that humans are capable of producing such a work of art. :D (don't get mad at me, I'm just historically reluctant to change. :))

I did see something interesting I hadn't noticed before... Under the rear spoiler and attached to the trunk lid is an additional aerodynamic element. It's sort of another spoiler around 1" tall. I don't see it in the FAQ as part of the cosmetic refinements in 2002, so I'm not sure when this was added. :confused: It does look like it'd make it easier to open the trunk, though. :)

The 'Client Advisor' at Bell Acura who met me at my car was Hugh Flisyn - A jolly fellow with no idea what the NSX was doing in his showroom. ;) His depth of knowledge about the car was that he knows a guy with a "1990 NSX loaded down with NOS and all kinds of stuff". I told him that was a rare car indeed. He didn't know about the $799 lease and was flabbergasted when I told him people had purchased 2004's new for less than $80k.

In any case, if someone's interested in a near-mint car, here's Hugh's contact info: (I also took some pictures, if anyone wants me to post them)

Hugh Flisyn - Client Advisor
[email protected]
work: (602) 375-3750
fax: (602) 375-7111
cell: (602) 790-9997

Bell Acura
1234 W Bell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85023
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waldorf said:
I did see something interesting I hadn't noticed before... Under the rear spoiler and attached to the trunk lid is an additional aerodynamic element. It's sort of another spoiler around 1" tall. I don't see it in the FAQ as part of the cosmetic refinements in 2002, so I'm not sure when this was added. :confused: It does look like it'd make it easier to open the trunk, though. :)

this was added in 2002. FYI.
That's funny the guy that Hugh Fliysn was referring to was me and my car is a 2000 not a 1990????? And it's bone stock. I don't know where he came up with all these additions on my car. Poor guy doesn't know a lick about nsx's but a very nice guy anyways. He use to work for me and I don't know that you will find a nicer sales rep in the country!
sccchiii said:
That's funny the guy that Hugh Fliysn was referring to was me and my car is a 2000 not a 1990????? And it's bone stock. I don't know where he came up with all these additions on my car. Poor guy doesn't know a lick about nsx's but a very nice guy anyways. He use to work for me and I don't know that you will find a nicer sales rep in the country!

Hah... I was hoping to see pics of your NOS'd 90. :D I enjoyed my time with Hugh a good bit. Like I said, he's a jolly guy with a brand new car outside his door that he doesn't know how to sell. :) I emailed him yesterday afternoon thanking him for his time and to let him know I posted his contact info for some potential buyers.

EDIT: to add pics I snapped


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