I'm very happy with my Dali drilled/slotted Rotors (Powerslot blanks). I think they are a great alternative to OEM at a lower price.
I would stay away from Axxis pads in any form. The "Ultimate" dust like no other. OK performance, but you can get the same or better performance with other pads:
Project Mu, Cobalt GT, Carbotech Panther Plus and Hawk are popular choices among NSX owners. Project Mu dusts remarkably little for an aftermarket pad and has nice bite with little to no fade at the track.
OEM pads are excellent but will begin to fade after heavy track use. They also dust very little. A great stock pad nevertheless.
For a more aggressive option, the new Dali BBK is available for about $1000 (Front). It will be track tested at the Spring Mountain track 4/15/06. I will be upgrading to that myself after the (hopefully) positive results come in. :smile: