Bought It! 1,200km Later, I'm home! PUURRR

8 April 2004
Edmonton, Alberta
Well, I did it! I bought the 91 in Naniamo B.C on the Island. Thanks for all the imput from this board. A great source!
This was a two day trip for me flying out of Edmonton to Vancouver thursday Am, catching a 6 seater float plane to the Island with a Crazy acrobatic pilot and landing at 11 am to meet the great owner of this car. Quick inspection and test drive and the cheque was his. It was his before but I had to touch the car first. NSX owners who have seen it, rate it an "A". Everything original, even the cellphone and leather owners manual case! Not stock, is the dash cover that is fantastic. 125,000 km (78,000mi).
The car has a great service record with service managers across Canada giving the car two thumbs up. I am the Fourth Owner.
We traded paper and I barely made the 12:30 Ferry across to Vancouver. I hadn't been there since 1967, so this was a real cool trip. Once on firm ground I took Hwy 1 straight through to Hope and then up the 5 which is the Coquihalla and made it to Kamloops. To find out if your tired, just get out and walk ten steps. 33 mpg. 27 deg.C. Up early and straight north up to the Alberta border and Jasper. This was the neatest ride and had a hard time stopping to take some pictures. Curves, an empty road and ZZ Top's "Jesus just left Chicago" was enough to bring me to Tears of Happy-nsx! The remaining ride was simple hwy driving and by 2 pm was in Edmonton. That stint was 36 mpg(31 usa).
I forgot how bad our roads are here so I have lowered the tyre pressure to 30f/35r for now. The Dunlop 9000's are a little thin in the back and with the usual slight wear on inside of fronts. I would love to get a better tyre if possible for our bad roads. I love my x-one michs on my Concorde. (read family car)
I bought the car to cruise and enjoy, not to track race so Im looking at setting up for a comfortable ride and any advise would be great. Maybe some S rated tyres, hehe!
The car is number 45 and is Red/Black which is great because our plates here are white and red. The Plate is PUURRR and is from my ex 85 jag xj12 but looks equal on this car and crates a smile on faces. The Ladies don't know thats the noise I make.
A pic or two to follow and once again Thanks, especially to the owner, he even held the car for me without a deposit.


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One more pic!

One more pic!


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NICE Car! Looks Very Clean Congrats!

Also this car wont attract ladies
Look at my post in the off-topic

But who cares! it wasn't for them in the first place right?!
Trev, those are amazing pictures! And you got great mileage too.

Enjoy your beautiful cruiser! :cool:

trev, congrats...welcome to the club..after i got lady thought i was cheating on her..i was spending too much time with my new car...:D erick
Congraulations on your ride, its a beauty! Looking at your pictures you had a nice scenic drive back home. A beautiful drive in a beautiful car, life had to have been great! :D And will CONTINUE to be.
Glad to hear you joined the club. You will enjoy your new purchase. If the car is as it was represented you got it for a great price.

Nice meeting you as well.
Congrats on your purchase. The drive home must have been wonderful, the pictures show a very beautiful surrounding. Must have been great driving there.
Am sure you will enjoy the car as much as we all do ;)
Thanks everyone! Wow, good fuel mileage!

Thanks guys, its nice to part of the family.
Wish all of us could be close together.
Ed here in Town has the same car and pulled up beside mine on sunday on our busy street ( white ave. ). He said he sure got the looks! Wish I was at my car to meet him, next time.
Just checked gas milage for this past week in the city and was suprized with the 25 mpg. (canadian gallon remember)
This is a super experience, Glad I didnt get the Lotus Esprit.

Congrats on the purchase. Looks like a beautiful example. I'm just at the begining of the research phase, so I'm way behind you. Looks as if you did an excellent job!!! Enjoy.
One year later today and Happy Aniversary!
Going to take her out for a steak sandwich tonite!
Thanks once again to everyone on the board that has made this a great experience. Now just to put those rebuilt struts back in the car and fix the windows so they row nicer and then fix the door handle so i can get out of the car without looking stupid and giving her a nice wax and then maybe a new clutch and how bout some wheels one day.
I'm tired already, lets say I just drive it and have fun.
142,080 km, so thats 17090 km last year or 10,614 miles!

Did the similar trip in '91. Bought '86 944 in Seattle, drove to Whistler, skied for week, drove same route but kept on going (day 2) to Fort McM. Great drive. Much better than around destination. Now in Halifax hoping to have NSX within the month.

sdavies88 said:

Did the similar trip in '91. Bought '86 944 in Seattle, drove to Whistler, skied for week, drove same route but kept on going (day 2) to Fort McM. Great drive. Much better than around destination. Now in Halifax hoping to have NSX within the month.


Let us know if you get it and post pics... :)