Bose bass amp swap

19 October 2006
The 'Nati

I know this has been discussed in past threads, but since I just dealt with this today in my NSX, I wanted to mention a great place to get a replacement Bose bass amp:

Willman Elctronics
Daryl Willman
Email: [email protected]

Their order form:

Fast response to my questions. Super fast shipping. It was a bit of a bear (to me) to get the amp/speaker combo out of the passenger-side floorboard area, but after completing the amp swap and turning on the system and hearing (for the first time since I picked up my '91 NSX last year) the center bass speaker working, I am very pleased.

The stock system isn't the loudest system by a long shot, but it is enjoyable
to hear ALL OF IT functioning at once. BTW - the past owner had replaced the door speaker amps, but not the bass one. The door speakers are still working fine, I just never heard anything out of the center speaker before or was even aware that there was another mini sub in the floor on top of the bass amp before getting into this 'fix'.

Cost was $165 with my old junker as a trade-in. Or you can pay $200 without returning one. The new one is 'new' not refurbished.

Now that the stereo is back in top form, I need some decent weather in The 'Nati so I can actaully drive! How I wish I lived in Cali now!
