Book Review - The Tristan Betrayal, Ludlum

16 July 2002
Bay Area CA
I see movie reviews here frequently and thought it might be apreciated by some to share a book review. I travel overseas frequently & love to read to kill the time on the flights.
On vacation here in Maui, I just got through The Tristan Betrayal by Robert Ludlum, which I would rate extremely highly and can give a strong recommendation to add it to your must-read category.
As an aside, I tend to go through modes of reading a series of books by the same author - my ultimate favourite is Nelson DeMille. I have read all of his books & they just get better & better. I am frustratedly awaiting his next release. Among my favorites there (although they are ALL good) are Up Country; Charm School;The Lion's game.
Back to The Tristan Betrayal: I am relatively new to Ludlum, with the only other experience being The Bourne Identity (which I enjoyed - much better than the movie, which is always the case).
The majority of the book is set in WW2 arena of the central characters spy experiences against the Nazi's & Stalinist Russia.
The main plot is set against a modern (sub-plot?) incident with a flash-back theme. The only drawback to this is obviously you know the hero made it out OK and also the relationship between the latter-day characters is somewhat predictable. This made it lack the twist in the tale at the end I think it was intended to to provoke.
However, again definitely one of the better reads I've had lately. To continue the Ludlum theme, I just started The Scorpio Illusion. Any Ludlum fans out there? Are the Bourne sequels worthy? What do you consider his best work?

I'd definitely welcome any other recommendations of different authors too.
Definitely a Ludlum fan. Enjoyed "The Bourne Ultimatim" a bit more than the "...Identity." I'm reading a few books right now but haven't gotten to "...Supremacy" yet. From what I hear the "Jansen Directive" is good as well.

I'm also a fan of the older Clancy books and the WEB Griffin books on the OSS. Trying to get through "Red Rabbit" by Clancy and though I enjoy it, I can't read more than 4 or 5 pages before I fall asleep.
Another Ludlum fan here. I started reading his works some years ago with The Holcroft Covenant. While that book and The Matarese Circle are two of my favorites, it seems that some of his newer books tend to have similar plots. Just my O..