Bone crushing pleasure!

Oh wow. And to think I actually know a lady named Shirley Dent in Oklahoma.
Oh wow. And to think I actually know/ a lady named Shirley Dent in Oklahoma.

Does she sell sex toys? Or may I that how you know her
Does she sell sex toys? Or may I that how you know her

Good one Doug! I should have seen that coming. :biggrin:

Remember this lady though? She's the same one that you bought your Bee Keeping Athletic Cup from. :biggrin:
a minor fwiw on this story: it appears there is no arndale, ok, and there appear to be no credible news outlets carrying this story. it's not listed on snopes yet, but i'm betting it will be before the year is out.
a minor fwiw on this story: it appears there is no arndale, ok, and there appear to be no credible news outlets carrying this story. it's not listed on snopes yet, but i'm betting it will be before the year is out.

True, there is no Arndale, OK. But I still know a lady with that name.:wink:
....only when he opens the cup to check for his cell number.
he'll need to do that because he's no drone. ("drone cells" in the hive are few and are very easy to spot - though may be confused with queen cells by the uninformed :)
a minor fwiw on this story: it appears there is no arndale, ok, and there appear to be no credible news outlets carrying this story. it's not listed on snopes yet, but i'm betting it will be before the year is out.

yes, this is a hoax / urban legend... sorry guys :tongue: