Bondurant Racing Course Nov 23-26th

Re: Bondurant Racing Course Nov 23-26th : UPDATE

UPDATE! Due to availability we've moved the course date to Jan. 24th-27th (Thursday-Sunday). There are still a few openings! It would be great to get some more Prime members out there! If you're interested call Mike at Bondurant - (480) 403-7615.
Re: Bondurant Racing Course Nov 23-26th : UPDATE

UPDATE! Due to availability we've moved the course date to Jan. 24th-27th (Thursday-Sunday). There are still a few openings! It would be great to get some more Prime members out there! If you're interested call Mike at Bondurant - (480) 403-7615.

See you there Dan.

-- Chris
Re: Bondurant Racing Course Nov 23-26th : UPDATE

UPDATE! Due to availability we've moved the course date to Jan. 24th-27th (Thursday-Sunday). There are still a few openings! It would be great to get some more Prime members out there! If you're interested call Mike at Bondurant - (480) 403-7615.
Mike McGovern?
Need more updates / pics... The new father (me) couldn't make it, but I've always wanted to.

Is there a course you can take using your own car?
Need more updates / pics... The new father (me) couldn't make it, but I've always wanted to.

Is there a course you can take using your own car?

Unfortunately I didn't take any pics. A bunch of my classmates did though. Hopefully I can get in touch with them and get them.

This course is definitely worth much more than it's value in vehicle mods. I took the 4 day Grand Prix Road Racing course with Chris at SoS. For him it was more of a refresher course, but I had no racing experience. I didn't even have any idea how to heel-toe shift. Now I'm an expert! I've been heel-toeing around town when I get a chance. I really feel like I could hang with some of the better drivers at a HPDE. They have a real focus on vehicle weight transfer (countering oversteer, understeer, trail braking, etc.). All the instructors were awesome drivers and very helpful. Many of them are willing to do outside consulting if you want. Any of them would be a great wingman to have at an event.

I'm not a fan of Vettes, but the C6 is a great car to learn on due to the stressed importance of trail braking on a FR car. The Formula Fords were also a blast to drive in the rain. The rain really heightened the sensitivity of all the inputs you put in the car. I'm glad it wasn't raining when we were in the Vettes. The electronic stability controls (which we couldn't disable) would have interfered way too much.

You can use your car in the Grand Prix road racing coarse, but I highly recommend against it. We beat the hell out of those C6s!!!