
29 July 2013
I recently sold a 1991 NSX and then bought another. The one I sold had absolutely no problems when sold but the new owner called me and said after driving it 60 miles home he wanted to jump on it once. He stated when shifting from first to second at 6000 rpm's the car would bog down then gradually pick up rpm's. I told him I thought he may be going from first to fourth by mistake. Has anyone had this problem with their NSX?
i have the same problem when i hit V-tech 4.5 grand its starts to bog. it goes then stops then jumps and goes then stops. i think it might me something with the clutch. it might be slipping then griping again. or it might be something with the fuel pump. not sure need help with this too???
was reading this thread from a search i did. even though it is old, i figured i would add to it.

this is probably the traction control kicking in and cutting off power... shut your tcs off.
Funny cause my car started doing the same thing. I kind of figured it was my injectors being clogged because when I turned on my a/c and revved my engine it would bog down the car would die. I put a can of sea foam in my tank and that seem to solve the problem for about 5k miles. Now it started happening again so now I am upgrading to rdx injectors. Another owner told me it may be due to maybe having moisture around the coil packs. Moisture may have gotten in that area while washing the car and may be trapped so therefore may need to be dried out with compressor air gun. Hope this helps.

Is fuel starvation a possibility?

I've noticed (on my other car) with my tank on "empty" upon acceleration the car climbs for about 2 kRPM, then starts to die. I assumed the fuel was sloshing and starving the fuel pump.


been happening since yesterday to me, so listen to events and tell me what you guys think.

fuel was empty put in 20 bucks of 93 was busy didnt have time to go put 101octane

then I feel the bogging down Im like this damn gas station never again.

drive and put in 80 bucks of 101 instantly fixed the problem.

then I get in my car tonight and I know I only had half tank left it was showing 1/3 full Im like something isnt right here.

started driving it then went to were I thought it was just under half. so I go FILL up another 98 bucks worth of 101 octane.

no problems still.

so its was either bad gas, fuel pump is starting to go, fuel filter is old and clogged, or the vtec silonoid but it cant be the Vtec cuzx I cleaned it last month and new seals

so I am thinking its the fuel pump.