Blown Coolant Hose??!!


Experienced Member
13 May 2000
Lake oswego, OR
Today, for the SECOND time in 6 months I blew a coolant hose. I have a '91 with 60K miles and it has been serviced religiously. In fact I would go as far as to say that I am fanatic about maintenance on my car. Yet, for the second time in 6 months I blew a coolant hose. Has anyone else had this kind of experience? Do NSX's blow coolant hoses often?? What on EARTH is wrong with my car?
(On a coincidental side note my truck has blown 4 heater Core's in the last year..Maybe Its just me and Coolant that doesnt get along)
Don't put acid the radiator
I blew a core on my ranger last winter as well. Sucks!

What hose blew on the NSX. Is it the same location. What is your nominal temp range, ie is the thermostat good? Did it blow during a long idle ie is the engine fan/radiator fan running? Has your water pump been replaced?

That is really wierd to have the same failure on different cars....

Originally posted by Edo:
Today, for the SECOND time in 6 months I blew a coolant hose. I have a '91 with 60K miles and it has been serviced religiously. In fact I would go as far as to say that I am fanatic about maintenance on my car. Yet, for the second time in 6 months I blew a coolant hose. Has anyone else had this kind of experience? Do NSX's blow coolant hoses often?? What on EARTH is wrong with my car?
(On a coincidental side note my truck has blown 4 heater Core's in the last year..Maybe Its just me and Coolant that doesnt get along)
Within months of delivering the first NSX's, Acura issued a technical advisory on the 91 cooling hoses. The advisory recommended that 91's be returned to the dealer for the replacement of the main cooling hoses.

If the mod was not done on your NSX, then it is probable you would experience multiple, non-synchronous, hose failures.

Hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by nsxman (edited 10 November 2000).]
I bought a used 91. When I took it in for service they said there was a recall on some 91s to replace the water pump and hoses. This paticular recall is done by VIN number. go here to see if your VIN is in there If you are, have them replace the timing belt while they're in there, you should just have to pay for parts.
According to Acura of Portland the Cooling Hose recall has been done, and I just replaced the Timing belt/water pump no more than 3 months ago. The temperature was just fine and it blew while under high RPM's. I looked back and saw coolant splatter up against the rear divider window and then fill with smoke.

Everything has been checked numerous times by the local dealer and everything "seemed" to be ok. The other hose I blew was up front near the Radiator itself. This one it seems was closer to the engine I believe. It was something like 40 degree's out last night and I was in a T-shirt so I didnt spend too much time peering into my engine bay in the cold dark windy night. I will take a look at it this afternoon and have a chat with the Acura Dealer that it was towed into.
How embarassing)
Was the first coolant hose that blew the original one nearly a decade old? If so, I don't think it's unreasonable for it to have failed.

If the second one that blew was a different hose also nearly a decade old, same thing. If it was the same hose that blew again six months later, it could have been defective or it could have been installed improperly (bent too sharply to get it in position, etc.)

While things like hoses do occasionally fail, I would certainly not say the NSX has a problem with failing hoses (coolant or otherwise).
Does The Acura Maintenance schedule specify a Hose replacement interval? I know most cars should have hoses replaced at least every 2-3 years. I just recently bought the car and after meeting the previous owner of the car I cant imagine he would neglect something as critical as hose replacements (If they were specified)
I can see the first failure if the hose was 9 years old. The second failure 6 months later has to be due to the mechanic forgeting to tighten the hose. It would be rare to blow a new hose, although not impossible, but unlikely. Is there a hole in the hose or did it blow out at the connection point?

Originally posted by Edo:
Does The Acura Maintenance schedule specify a Hose replacement interval? I know most cars should have hoses replaced at least every 2-3 years. I just recently bought the car and after meeting the previous owner of the car I cant imagine he would neglect something as critical as hose replacements (If they were specified)
Just checked it this afternoon. There is a tear large enough for me to fit almost 3 fingers in. It is on one of the larger diameter hoses coming straight out of the engine. It is the hardest one to get to, (I tried to replace it but my fingers went numb after 30 mins and I gave up)
Looking from the driver side, it is the 3rd hose over from the coolant reservoir tank.
Edo, I just gone thru all Acura service bulletin and recalls paper. Apparently, they have "Product Update", sort of recall of engine coolant system on the NSX. I'm in process copying them for Lud, to be posted in the FAQ section. This only affect certain vin #. There is too many for me to mention here So U have to wait for Lud posts.
The cooling system recall info is already in the FAQ. Look under Troubleshooting / Cooling System. It has all the VINs, etc.