Blower only works on high? capacitors?

22 December 2002
Sector 001, the Terran System
I have done a search and have read up on this problem..

My questions is how do you know which caps are in question?
How can you test the caps to see if they are good or not?
What should the DVM read when testing the caps?
How does a bad cap look like from a visual inspection?
Take the dash apart and then pull the climate control.

Then unscrew the climate control and seperate the display unit from the control unit.

Carefully pull the climate control board out of the plastic housing and carefully inspect it.

Typically one or more of the capacitors has leaked on your board. You will see where they are dryed out and have leaked if you look very closely around the terminals.

These traces will need to be repaired and the 13 capacitors will need to be replaced. Upon further research - the stock capacitors were not rated for the temperature highs that the interiour of a black NSX can be when parked in the hot summer. I upgraded my capacitors (same electrical ratings) I my particular case the repairs made fixed the problem but the problem comes back from time to time so I ended up replacing the entire board assembly rather then messing with it or swapping with someone else to further determine what was going on.
thanks matteni

I read all your other posts in the other threads..

Kinda wierd I had a multi meter that can check the capacitors all along...

I found that 7 out 13 capacitors uF rating was alot higher then the rating on the capacitor..

So I answered my own question.

So I went out and purchase all 13 new capacitors just to be safe..

Sadly to say the store I went to only had 4 out of the 13 in stock so the rest are on order...

I tested the new capacitor to see how close it came to it's rating and it was bang on....

I will install 4 capacitors tonight and install the rest when I get them..I will post results, total cost, and total time when I am finished..
pay close attention to C32 on the board, that is the cap that is in the blower speed control. but if you are going this far replace them all.

I just picked up some caps today. Does it matter if I got 50V caps instead of 35V caps? I had to make some compromises so I could have Higher Heat resistant caps (105deg. C.)

I'm going to pull my unit out tonight to take a look at it and fix it tonight.
kenallwine said:
I just picked up some caps today. Does it matter if I got 50V caps instead of 35V caps? I had to make some compromises so I could have Higher Heat resistant caps (105deg. C.)

I'm going to pull my unit out tonight to take a look at it and fix it tonight.

I too used slightly higher voltage caps on mine and mine worked on and off (1 week on / 1 week off) after I paid to have them de-soldered and the traces repaired. I think my problem was due to a trace that wasn't completely repaired or a cap that wasn't fully connected to both layers of the board and not the slightly higher voltage rating IMO.

My board is for sale BTW here if you or anyone else is interested. I would be curious to see if it works right out of the box in someone elses car.
Got all the caps replaced tonight and she works just like new!! I changed out every single one just to be safe.

Thanks NSXPrime for saving me money. This was only a $9.17 fix!!:D
Ken, good for you! I also had the same problem and have repaired many boards. my board fired up ice cold and I ran through all the a/c modes ....perfect.I have had a few that would not fly no matter what I did (sorry Sinbad).I use a stereo microscope to solder under and I can see the most miniscule defect but still get some duds.the good news is that my success ratio is around 7 out of 10. I think that is worth the time. anyway congrats on diy,well done:)
Dear Members,

I had all 13 caps replaced but my TV repairman had replaced some caps with different voltages for some of them.

The climate control unit is still not working, do you think different voltages caps still cause the problem?

The wind speed stay high.
Can't control speed, no display, no a/c!!

Any suggestion?
DDozier said:
pay close attention to C32 on the board, that is the cap that is in the blower speed control. but if you are going this far replace them all.


any idea which one caps. control the power to the whole unit? Mine just went out completely, nothing turns on and the display is out also.

Glad to hear that you've fix your climate control unit problem by a bit of handy soldering yourself. I'm doing mine at the moment - I read somewhere that this is a dual layer circuit board and soldering is required for both the top and the bottom layer. How did you do your soldering? did you solder both sides?


My first post on the site so please be patient. Bought a '95 NSX-T knowing the climate board and a "power transistor" was bad. A/C compressor is always on and the blower tends to only work on high speed. Got a great deal on the car because dealership diagnosis was approx. $1700 to replace both the board and the power transistor. They claim the transistor is a current sink for the motor speed control. I've had a blast driving the car with the top off 90% of the time so A/C is no big deal. Still, after reading that someone performed a diy by changing all the caps really intrigued me. Two questions:
1. Can anyone recommend a string to reseach on this subject?
2. Is the power transistor a myth or a separate component, not part of the climate control board?
kenallwine said:
Got all the caps replaced tonight and she works just like new!! I changed out every single one just to be safe.

Thanks NSXPrime for saving me money. This was only a $9.17 fix!!:D

Great job, Ken;

By any chance you still have a list of all 13 caps with specs. (from your invoice)?. I have a '92 model and sooner or later i will have to deal with this prob. this way, i can buy them now and have it ready when needed. :)


Shaun Ray said:
My first post on the site so please be patient. Bought a '95 NSX-T knowing the climate board and a "power transistor" was bad. A/C compressor is always on and the blower tends to only work on high speed. Got a great deal on the car because dealership diagnosis was approx. $1700 to replace both the board and the power transistor. They claim the transistor is a current sink for the motor speed control. I've had a blast driving the car with the top off 90% of the time so A/C is no big deal. Still, after reading that someone performed a diy by changing all the caps really intrigued me. Two questions:
1. Can anyone recommend a string to reseach on this subject?
2. Is the power transistor a myth or a separate component, not part of the climate control board?