
9 September 2005
Central FL
When I access Prime via my iPhone connected to WiFi, I can access it no problems. When I have WiFi turned off, I get a BlockScript message:

" is protected by BlockScript.

"BlockScript is security software which protects websites and empowers webmasters to stop unwanted traffic.

"Your request was blocked because you appear to be accessing this website from a blacklisted IP address."

Any clue as to what is going on? If it matters, I am not using mobile version of Prime; I am merely accessing the site as a web page from my phone's browser.


- - - Updated - - -

P.S. I restarted my iPhone and I no longer have the issue.
Sorry for the slow reply, I must have read this and gotten sidetracked before replying because I remember reading it and intended to reply but obviously never did.

It's is a tool I'm using to help protect the site from malicious traffic. I'm surprised it blocked your phone on mobile data. It's possible someone who had that IP earlier had a botnet infected device tethered to it or something. Anyway if that is still a problem for you, e-mail me your carrier info and location and an example IP address and I'll look into what I can do to whitelist some IP blocks so it doesn't happen again.