Blocking intersection to allow drag racing ticket...

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale

Now, before the flames start, I was actually being RESPONSIBLE and avoiding any drag racing or any association with it (or so i thought) by leaving and waiting a few miles up the road for anyone that was racing.

anyways, I got a ticket a while back for 'blocking an intersection to allow drag racing'

thing is, i was never blocking an intersection. I was in a turn lane in the car, with it running, lights on, and cars did pass through the intersection unblocked. i was about 2-3 miles away from the race in question and I honestly dind't want to be around it but i was in BFE miami and didn't know my way home.

a cop pulled up in a pick up truck in the lane in front of me and i waved him through. i didn't know it was a cop because A) it was an unmarked truck and B) his lights were right in my face and i couldn't see anything.

Now, when I waved him through and he didn't go, I left. There was never any drag racing the whole time that I was there.

He caught up with me at a gas station (asking for directions) and gave me a ticket about 20 minutes later (he also caught some people racing i guess).

If I left before any racing occured and wasn't actually blocking an intersection, can he do that??? and will it hold up in court??
Sounds liks a B.S. ticket to me. I'm not an attorney, but I can't imagine how this ticket could hold up in court!

thats what i was thinking...I mean, if you stand outside a bank and think about robbing it, are you guilty of robbing the bank??

And with my case, i wasn't even thinking about blocking hte intersection...i was 2 miles from the race and just wanted to get far enough away that i couldn't be associated but close enough that when they were done i could still find my way home from my friend
Brian2by2 said:
thing is, i was never blocking an intersection. I was in a turn lane in the car, with it running, lights on, and cars did pass through the intersection unblocked.
If you were in a turn lane, and you were stopped, then you should have received a ticket for obstructing traffic.
he fought the law and lost?
i'm really surprised that cop waited that long and ticketed you anyway. They're getting really serious about cracking down on that stuff, almost to the point that if you look like a street racer you could get nabbed.
its crazy
paladin said:
They're getting really serious about cracking down on that stuff, almost to the point that if you look like a street racer you could get nabbed.
its crazy

not crazy, just another classic example on how a few bad apples spoil the entire basket..
ya its really unfortunate because i was really like 2 miles from the racing and was really trying to avoid it. I mean, i could have called my buddy and told him to break it off cuz there was a cop here, but i didn't. i mean, if they're gonna do it, they have to pay for it! i've been there and i've paid for it...only way to learn really