Blizzard on East Coast!?!

2 October 2001
How r u guyz that live on the east coast in NY and Washington doing with the blizzard? Our local news showed incredible footage of snow. apparently several people have died and it all sounds quite serious!
Hope u (and ur NSX's) are all doing okay.

Report in people.
There is certainly a ton of snow. I don't think the NSX will come out of the garage for a couple of weeks. Even if I didn't care about the driving in the slop, I still would not be able to drive. The snow banks from the plows at many intersections are 4-5 feet tall. Thus making it very difficult to make safe turns, as there is no way to see if there is oncoming traffic.
Originally posted by Sig:
There is certainly a ton of snow. I don't think the NSX will come out of the garage for a couple of weeks. Even if I didn't care about the driving in the slop, I still would not be able to drive. The snow banks from the plows at many intersections are 4-5 feet tall. Thus making it very difficult to make safe turns, as there is no way to see if there is oncoming traffic.

We got about 2 feet up here, so my new NSX is sitting in the garage keeping warm. I have no problem getting mine wet and dirty, but like my old vette, it seems to have 4 wheel skid, so I'll just wait until the streets are a little bit more clear, and I can see around the giant snow banks. The temperature is supposed to rise to the mid 40's over the next few days, and maybe I'll be able to play again!!!

actually there have been 38 deaths listed due to the storms.

The plumbers are racking in the cash w/ all the broken pipes and frozen water mains etc.etc.

geezzz bill... that's serious; 38 deaths! please don't become a statistic yourself!

i think AK was hinting u should check out his thread on <A HREF="">his snowed in NSX</A> ... worth a look.
Originally posted by NeoNSX:
geezzz bill... that's serious; 38 deaths! please don't become a statistic yourself!

i think AK was hinting u should check out his thread on <A HREF="">his snowed in NSX</A> ... worth a look.

I am in Arizona @ the moment.
Although Mark Basch is there .I called him the other day he said it was 6 degrees. ewwwww!! Too many years of that mess.
I'll pass and do the AZ thing @ a balmy 70-80 . Besides the chicks are better anyway.

Originally posted by Acura NsX Pilot:
You should have seen the guys car that wasnt visible in the snow and a snow plow hitt it.......OUCH !!!

LOL ... i've always wondering if that ever happened. hope it wasn't an NSX (it's so low it would only take 2 feet of snow to bury it

Sorry Bill, i know u live in AZ.. for some reason i thought u'd be in NYC

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 19 February 2003).]
Yeah, I wish some of that white stuff would blow my way. I'm dying to go snowboarding. I saw in the news that people were travelling the streets of NY in skis! Trip out! Can you imagine! If it snowed like that in San Francisco, people would be going down those hills for work in snowboards! YEAH!
Originally posted by Joel:
Yeah, I wish some of that white stuff would blow my way. I'm dying to go snowboarding. I saw in the news that people were travelling the streets of NY in skis! Trip out! Can you imagine! If it snowed like that in San Francisco, people would be going down those hills for work in snowboards! YEAH!

Down Lombard Street I presume!!!