as i began to accelerate onto the freeway i noticed in my rear view mirror a tsunami splashing against my window hatch. it was pretty amazing. needless to say, i pulled over and called AAA. after close to 2hours they towed it to acura compressing my front-end in the process. good thing i had a meshed center engine cover, otherwise i wouldn't have noticed it right away. but, i'm sure the smell and steam would have alerted me soon enough.
replaced all major hoses. now, all major service is complete. 106k miles down and 106k miles to go. ;^)
just thought i'd share that little boring story since i haven't posted in a while.
replaced all major hoses. now, all major service is complete. 106k miles down and 106k miles to go. ;^)
just thought i'd share that little boring story since i haven't posted in a while.