BlackBerry Playbook Tablet

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL

-- 7" LCD, 1024 x 600, WSVGA, capacitive touch screen with full multi-touch
and gesture support
-- BlackBerry Tablet OS with support for symmetric multiprocessing
-- 1 GHz dual-core processor
-- 1 GB RAM
-- Dual HD cameras (3 MP front facing, 5 MP rear facing), supports 1080p HD
video recording
-- Video playback: 1080p HD Video, H.264, MPEG, DivX, WMV
-- Audio playback: MP3, AAC, WMA
-- HDMI video output
-- Wi-Fi - 802.11 a/b/g/n
-- Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
-- Connectors: microHDMI, microUSB, charging contacts
-- Open, flexible application platform with support for WebKit/HTML-5,
Adobe Flash Player 10.1, Adobe Mobile AIR, Adobe Reader, POSIX, OpenGL,
-- Ultra thin and portable:
-- Measures 5.1"x7.6"x0.4" (130mm x 193mm x 10mm)
-- Weighs less than a pound (approximately 0.9 lb or 400g)
-- Additional features and specifications of the BlackBerry PlayBook will
be shared on or before the date this product is launched in retail
-- RIM intends to also offer 3G and 4G models in the future.

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I can't wait to see how these things play out.
IMO, my money is on Android based devices, but we'll see.
I can't wait to see how these things play out.
IMO, my money is on Android based devices, but we'll see.

I am looking forward to the Samsung Galaxy tablet a lot also. The downside to it is even Google said Android isn't ready for a touch device.

What I like about the Playbook is that the OS is designed for that tablet and it looks great.

BB is doing a lot to help get new apps etc. I am actually excited about BB for the first time in a year.
Having used Blackberries for a decade now, I'm not sold on this tablet.

I have iPhone / iTunes, Android / Android Market. The last thing I'd want to do is have a 3rd device with a 3rd market place to buy apps and keep track of.

I'm waiting for the Android tablets to mature and then snag one.

Blackberry tablet may have great specs, but the brand as a whole is lagging behind Android / Apple and even a great tablet won't help it that much, imho.
No, the tablet to beat is iPad. Until any of these wannabes match iPad in sales, then it will be just that.

7 inch screen is kind of small and the fact that it has to be tethered to a BlackBerry Phone to get access (3G) and the lack of apps will severely hamper sales of this PlayBook, IMO.

Also, we'll have to see how well this new OS is implemented. Apple's iPad has a lot going for it in the business world. Much more so than any BlackBerry or Android device. The list of business related standards and capabilities is considerable...

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No, the tablet to beat is iPad. Until any of these wannabes match iPad in sales, then it will be just that.

7 inch screen is kind of small and the fact that it has to be tethered to a BlackBerry Phone to get access (3G) and the lack of apps will severely hamper sales of this PlayBook, IMO.

Also, we'll have to see how well this new OS is implemented.


I guess you don't read well. 3G and 4G versions are coming. The fact that I can tether it to my berry and use 3G anywhere FOR FREE is a pretty good selling point to me.

EVERYONE who has seen it says the size is great. It will be easier to bring with you and it weighs less. The screen is also a higher pixel density than the iPad. It also has FLASH.

As for Apps, if you watched the presentation, they are doing A LOT to get new apps and making it much easier for apps to be developed. But in terms of apps, nobody can match the iPad.
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Meh. As an actual business user of an iPad, the only thing the Playbook has really going for it, for me, is Flash.

When it comes time to upgrade, I'll probably just go for the new iPad. God help anybody if Apple incorporates their Retina Display in the iPad.
God help anybody if Apple incorporates their Retina Display in the iPad.

That would be sweet, but highly unlikely.

You are talking roughly about 2880 x 1440 on a 10 inch tablet. I am not saying they can't do it. I would love to see it.

The retina display on the iphone 4 is simply amazing.

I am not sure what is next for a "new" ipad, but my guess is it will be basically the same thing with cameras. There will not be a new OS. They don't even have the current OS on it yet. Maybe a little faster?
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Regarding the iPad and Flash... Sometimes I wish Apple (Jobs) relented and put in Flash. Although, back a year ago when Apple made the decision, the version shown to Apple was completely unstable and pure junk.

But, now I almost wish Apple would put it in, but with a switch to turn it off. That way Adobe could get all the flak, and Apple wouldn't be wrongly criticized as the bad guy.

So, now it's been a year since Apple made the decision and that decision is looking smarter every day. After many years of development, Flash still sucks for mobile apps, smartphones. It's a good thing Jobs made the right call a year ago.

If Adobe was hoping that people would sing the praises of their implementation of Flash on Android, they can forget about it. Laptop Magazine tested Flash on a Droid 2 and found the following:

I’m the last person on earth who wanted to believe Steve Jobs when he told Walt Mossberg at D8 that “Flash has had its day.” I took it as nothing more than showmanship when Jobs shared his thoughts on Flash and wrote that “Flash is closed and proprietary, has major technical drawbacks, and doesn’t support touch based devices.” After spending time playing with Flash Player 10.1 on the new Droid 2, the first Android 2.2 phone to come with the player pre-installed, I’m sad to admit that Steve Jobs was right. Adobe’s offering seems like it’s too little, too late.

Ouch. That isn’t the news that Adobe wanted to hear. I guess it’s back to the drawing board to Adobe with Flash on smart phones as I don’t know anyone who will want to run Flash on their smart phones based on this report.

Meanwhile, Steve Jobs has got to be saying “I told you so.”
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What's with the attitude and personal attacks? :confused:


Is it really a shock that we disagree? You are the biggest apple fanboi here.

First you stated incorrectly the BB playbook doesn't have 3g, even though it will -- and i wrote it in my post.

Then you talk about the lack of apps, but if you watched the BB keynote, you would see there is a lot being done about apps on BB including Super Apps -- very cool. Right now the apps are weak. When it launches, we'll see.

Next, You talk about how apple is so strong in the business world, but BB isn't. I am pretty sure BB has pretty good penetration in the business world and the BB Playbook has a lot to appeal to business.

Then your following post is a big ole fan boi post about flash. Personally I don't care if I ever have flash on my phone, but it should be on a tablet.

Anyway, I am not going to argue with you anymore. This thread is about a cool new device coming from BB, not how much you love the ipad.
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I'm not talking about disagreements, I'm talking about your childish attitude and personal attack.

I wish someone would step up and moderate.
I'm not talking about disagreements, I'm talking about your childish attitude and personal attack.

I wish someone would step up and moderate.

Jimbo, you ever read your own posts? This get's old.

I apologize if I hurt your feelings. Can we get back on topic now.
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So how much does this wonderful new Playbook cost? Battery life?

No one knows yet. Q1 2011 is a long way off.
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I hope BB10 will be released soon for the Playbook. I've been really enjoying using mine (sometimes more so than my iPad).
I hope BB10 will be released soon for the Playbook. I've been really enjoying using mine (sometimes more so than my iPad).

I don't know much about that. I think they have been focusing 100% on BB10. My guess is a couple months out at least. I actually enjoy the PB more than the ipad, but the screen on the ipad blows it away.

The PB actually outsold the ipad in the UK last month. Pretty wild.