Black rubber/vinyl tape above windshield peeling..?

14 December 2003
I took a look at an NSX this weekend and the black rubbery vinyl thick tape that holds(?) the windshield in place shrunk and had curled up a bit. Is this a common thing on NSX's? It shrunk in length about 3/4" and left an opening on one side. This was on the top side of the windshield. If it's something normal, how much does that cost to replace?
Yes, it's common, as discussed in the FAQ here.

I had mine replaced a year and half ago (it was about $200 parts & labor I think), and it's already shrinking again. The installer didn't do that great of a job anyway, next time I'm going to be present to make sure the job is done right.
Mine was replaced for about $90 for the part and outsourced by Acura for another $60 I think. Either way I paid about $150 total and it has been perfect since. I though the newer top windshield moldings that they are using as replacements are made different (Stapled at the ends or something) so they no longer shrink anymore?
ChrisK said:
Mine was replaced for about $90 for the part and outsourced by Acura for another $60 I think. Either way I paid about $150 total and it has been perfect since. I though the newer top windshield moldings that they are using as replacements are made different (Stapled at the ends or something) so they no longer shrink anymore?

does it extend from end to end now ?......i went to replace mine and found the new piece to be short also.
Damn..that thing is gonna cost me more than $100 just for a strip of rubber/vinyl? Sheesh.
DIY on windshield molding

You can DIY to fix this - it is EASY. I just did mine this weekend and one for my friend. You can order the part from Niello Acura in Sacramento for $36 + $8 S/H with NSXCA discount. You probably only need the upper molding, not the upper fastener. TSB is here:
Follow the instructions and in about 1 hour you will be done.
The new part has a stapled plastic piece as an "anchor" to keep it from pulling short again - might work, might not. If you DIY and don't use the new upper fastener, you might have to pry off the stapled pieces from the upper molding. If you want do this totally by the TSB, then get the upper fastener too (I think an addtional $50) and R&R the whole thing. Doing it with the upper fastner is a little more complicated, but can be done. I consider it a maintenance item. Every few years it shrinks and every few years I will have to spend about 40 bucks to replace it.

Damage said:
Damn..that thing is gonna cost me more than $100 just for a strip of rubber/vinyl? Sheesh.

Welcome to NSX ownership. Low production cars almost always come with high priced replacement parts. Be glad you are not paying for maintenance on a Ferrari or Porsche. You will love the NSX.