Black NSX on tollway

3 August 2004
about a week or 2 ago i was out cruising lat on a tues night on the tollway.. and a Black NSX on what looked like 17/18s with dark tint rolled up on me. He hopped it a few times at me and slowed down to 60. I followed his lead and ,slowed down to 60 , started brake boosting and showed him to go.. i he wouldnt go. I blew off at him a few times. .and he wouldnt run, so i just doodled off.. was it anyone on here? it was a good looking car, just trying to figure out why he tried to instigate and t hen backed off..
98 Imperial jade mica supra TT
Interesting. Wasn't me, and I only know of one other NSX that kindof matches that description. But he doesn't post on NSX Prime anymore. Maybe he realized it's not smart to race on Beltway with the current illegal racing situation. That, being on driving probation, and safety reasons, are why I don't street race.

- Z
NSX FoYoAss said:
Interesting. Wasn't me, and I only know of one other NSX that kindof matches that description. But he doesn't post on NSX Prime anymore. Maybe he realized it's not smart to race on Beltway with the current illegal racing situation. That, being on driving probation, and safety reasons, are why I don't street race.

- Z

i agree. but he did instigate.. if you dont want to race.. why instigate?
Instigate, shminstigate.

White Lightning - just because he drives his car into a tree, do you follow? :rolleyes:

FoYo - unless you know Whitey, why do you assume he was referring to you as the "black NSX in question"? Whitey does not list what city he is in. Certainly Houston is not the only city that has a tollway, so for that matter it could’ve been a black NSX in Dallas that also has a tollway.

Soapbox mode - kill stories and street racing suck....they are for losers.
AndyVecsey said:

FoYo - unless you know Whitey, why do you assume he was referring to you as the "black NSX in question"? Whitey does not list what city he is in. Certainly Houston is not the only city that has a tollway, so for that matter it could’ve been a black NSX in Dallas that also has a tollway.

Andy Andy Andy,

I never assumed he was referring to me! I do not have tint, I do not race, and I do not have 17/18 inch wheels. So I know for a fact he couldn't be referring to me!

But he did ask if it was someone here(on NSX Prime/SouthCentral Region), and I know someone here in SouthCentral Region, not Houston. Why do you assume I was referring to someone in Houston? Where did I ever say Houston?? :confused: :rolleyes:

FYI, I've had the pleasure of dealing with and meeting many NSXer's from all across Texas, all over the States, and even met some guys in Canada, Toronto. :p
didnt meant to create a stir:) im in dallas...

and this is what i was in..
White_lightning said:
i agree. but he did instigate.. if you dont want to race.. why instigate?

We live in a world where people do the strangest things! :D

White_lightning said:
didnt meant to create a stir:) im in dallas...

and this is what i was in..

No, trust me, that's just Andy....being Andy! ;)

And nice Supra btw! I've always loved them, just love the NSX for some reason. Sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants! hehe :D

Take care,
- Z
loNfastNSX said:
Hey white lightning- The supra looks great!!! What part of Dallas are you in? Also what kind of numbers are you putting down?
im in way north dallas..
untuned at 18# she put down 392/420 on pump gas ( under 10:1 AF), home brewed race gas, she put down 442/472 on 18.5#.. im sure i could squeeze out more on pump but since in normaly run her on high octane.. it was pointless.
im still on stock twins.. just basic bolt ons.
I never assumed he was referring to me! I do not have tint, I do not race, and I do not have 17/18 inch wheels. So I know for a fact he couldn't be referring to me!

Then if you knew it wasn’t you (and since he admitted he lives in Dallas, such as the possibility that I suggested) and he does not know you in person, why did you have to “defend” yourself and post that it was not you? :confused:

Why do you assume I was referring to someone in Houston? Where did I ever say Houston??

Check your avatar……it reads “Location: HOUSTON”. This is related to my first comment, above.

No, trust me, that's just Andy....being Andy!

Touché. :cool:

under 10:1 AF.....home brewed race gas

That is very rich. I’m at 11.8…..I am not being my usual smartass self here, but just what do you mean by home brewed race gas?
AndyVecsey said:
I never assumed he was referring to me! I do not have tint, I do not race, and I do not have 17/18 inch wheels. So I know for a fact he couldn't be referring to me!

Then if you knew it wasn’t you (and since he admitted he lives in Dallas, such as the possibility that I suggested) and he does not know you in person, why did you have to “defend” yourself and post that it was not you? :confused:

- Andy, I wasn't defending myself! :rolleyes: He came here asking why that person instigated. Since I felt like that it was no one that posts in the SouthCentral Region forum, I thought it would be a nice gesture to at least reply since he was new here with some questions why the NSXer choose not to race him. So I provided some insight instead of ignoring him. Since I was replying, I simply stated it wasn't me. I didn't want him to think it was just because I was posting a reply. And how do you know I wasn't in Dallas, Austin, or even China 2 weeks ago? What's this, Andy's jumping to conclusions? Relax...

Why do you assume I was referring to someone in Houston? Where did I ever say Houston??

Check your avatar……it reads “Location: HOUSTON”. This is related to my first comment, above.

- Thank you for pointing out my avatar. If it didn't say Houston, I would have forgot what city I'm in. Again, just because I live in Houston, why do you assume I wasn't in Dallas 2 weeks ago?

No, trust me, that's just Andy....being Andy!

Touché. :cool:

- That wasn't a compliment. Next time you'd like to pick apart someone's thread, take a deep breath, stretch, think about how ridiculous you will look, and then ignore it and move on! I was merely being polite and sociable. This maybe hard for you to understand. Don't be so uptight, may I suggest YOGA? :D

Sincerely ;),
- Z
AndyVecsey said:
[BThat is very rich. I’m at 11.8…..I am not being my usual smartass self here, but just what do you mean by home brewed race gas? [/B]

10 gallons 93 octane.
5 gallons Toluene.
25oz Marvel mystery oil..
and ther you go.. ~100 octane race gas:)
Since I felt like that it was no one that posts in the SouthCentral Region forum, I thought it would be a nice gesture to at least reply since he was new here with some questions why the NSXer choose not to race him.

Fair enough, a noble reply.

So I provided some insight instead of ignoring him.

But why not ignore his post? No offense Whitey. Kinda like a post, "Hey I saw a red NSX on Westheimer, was that you? I was in my mom's Impala so I didn't wave to you." So what if it was me on Westheimer? Did the quality of my life improve just because you saw me? :p Jeez I crack myself up.

Since I was replying, I simply stated it wasn't me.

I follow.

I didn't want him to think it was just because I was posting a reply.

I follow.

What's this, Andy's jumping to conclusions? Relax...

Goooz-frah-bah. Man that is one funny movie.

Thank you for pointing out my avatar. If it didn't say Houston, I would have forgot what city I'm in.

See, that's why I am keep you in line. :D

Again, just because I live in Houston, why do you assume I wasn't in Dallas 2 weeks ago?

Because two weeks ago I was in Dallas, saw a black NSX and assumed it was you. Do you see how ridiculous this is? Truce, I'll admit that I started it.

That wasn't a compliment.

Yes it was, or else you would not have attached the winkie emoticon after it. If you did not mean it as a compliment, you would've ended with :mad: or :eek: after typing.

..... think about how ridiculous you will look, and then ignore it and move on!

I'm shattered.....hope I sleep well tonight. :rolleyes:
10 gallons 93 octane.
5 gallons Toluene.
25oz Marvel mystery oil..
and ther you go.. ~100 octane race gas

What is the octane rating of toluene? This additive is more like MTBE.....methyl tertiary-butyl ether..... which is an oxygenate rather than an octane enhancer.

What does the Marvel mystery oil do for the mixture?

How did you calculate the resulting 100 octane?
AndyVecsey said:
10 gallons 93 octane.
5 gallons Toluene.
25oz Marvel mystery oil..
and ther you go.. ~100 octane race gas

What is the octane rating of toluene? This additive is more like MTBE.....methyl tertiary-butyl ether..... which is an oxygenate rather than an octane enhancer.

What does the Marvel mystery oil do for the mixture?

How did you calculate the resulting 100 octane?
the exact calculation comes out to 98.x octane..
MMO is a lubricant..
keep in mind. many flavours of " race gas" have 30-35% toluene in them.
Toluene’s octane rating is 105. Using your above recipe, I calculate 97 blended octane.

Why are you adding MMO as a lubricant to your fuel? It was commonly added in days past in airplane engines to manage carbon deposits. However, today’s gasoline technology is such that detergents do a good enough job such that MMO is really not needed.
AndyVecsey said:
Toluene’s octane rating is 105. Using your above recipe, I calculate 97 blended octane.

Why are you adding MMO as a lubricant to your fuel? It was commonly added in days past in airplane engines to manage carbon deposits. However, today’s gasoline technology is such that detergents do a good enough job such that MMO is really not needed.
im adding MMO as a lubricant because it is needed when you add Toluene which is basically paint thinners..
you dont need it for normal gas.. you need it for the toluene.