Black NSX 12/30/06 5 p.m. Hwy 71 (Austin)?

17 September 2006
Spicewood, TX (Lake Travis)
I was waiting at the light in my Red 97 NSX at Bee Creek Rd. and 71 and saw a Black NSX go past me. The light took forever to change so I couldn't catch up...

Was it one of you guys?

I was down south near Hwy 71 and 290 / Ben White, for most of the day... :biggrin: The great Texas roads scraped-up one of my new Advans as well... :mad:

Nota Bena: I was home by 5pm, so it was another Berlina black NSX!
I was on my way to Rudys to pick up some barbecue to feed my family tonight....I didn't get enough of a look at the NSX to see its wheels. All I know it was shiny, black, and heading east on 71 towards Oak Hill.