Bilstein height adjustment?

2 April 2003
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
The previous owner of my '91 NSX had bilsteins installed on the car. While doing some routine maintenance and making sure the perches were on correctly, I noticed that the right front is on the lower perch grove setting while the other 3 are on the upper grove setting!

Unforunately he had it done several years ago (he didn't notice - yikes!) and the shop is far away so making them fix their shoddy work could prove difficult. Since the stock springs are under compression, is there any way of either raising this perch up to match the other 3 or lowering the others to the lower setting without removing the entire strut/spring?

Also, any recommendations/pros/cons on which height to use?

Sounds a little dangerous to me!!!!! This work would not be worth an injury.

The ONLY option I see would be to compress the springs in place, with a spring compressor that will fit in there. If you can insure 100% there is no pressure from the spring you could then adjust the perch setting, probably bringing the others down would be easier, but only bringing one up may work if you can get that one compressed enough in place.

Using a compressor in this manner may be a real PITA, so it might just be better to remove them/one front.

Maybe other folks have a trick or have done it this way.
